OT: Who gets the last word?

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nafnikufesin said:
Tomorrow morning. I expect this thread to have hit at least 13000 posts by the time I get back. Now you kids be good.
Maybe this thread will be at page 666 by the time you get back.
Have a safe trip, dude.
I have a shirt that says "Gods busy, Can I help you?" with a devils head on it, yet I play lead guitar for my church (the ONLY reason I do is so I can play, not because I really like what I do.), does that make me a hypocrite? Not that anyone cares, just doing my part to get to 666:headbang:
You live kinda close to my brother. He lives in Oconomowoc. What a boring shithole that place is:tickled: I have to admit that all the Old Style and Pabst signs that adorn every pub is pretty funny though. Those are two beers that I have thrown a beating(or vice versa) on more than a few times. I have good taste in bad beer. :kickass:
MyHatred said:
I have good taste in bad beer. :kickass:
Wow, I'll say. That's alright though I won't hold it against you. You seem like a pretty decent person besides that. You might want to find out if there are any support groups to help you get over that.:D
Man, this sucks.....I just heard on my radio that we are expected to get 9 inches of snow tonight. What a weird ass week this has been.
Mon 35*
Tues 30 degrees
Wed 3-4 inches of snow cold and windy as hell
Thursday Almost 50*
Today about 44* by 8-9pm tonight 24* and snow for the rest of the night.
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