OT: Who gets the last word?

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remington69 said:
I couldn't do a job where I had to get up that early. Hells no! I like my sleep. The only reason my husband puts up with it is that he gets the summers off. Oh, and that whole satisfaction of educating the youth and all.

Our school district is entertaining the idea of a Monday-Thursday school week. The idea is to entice teachers into coming here and actually staying here. My son starts kindergarten next year. And I'd prefer a Monday-Friday week. It's not my fault they can't keep teachers happy. Plenty of other districts can.
MyHatred said:
Was the Shield good last night? I missed it because I was to busy working on paper for school last night. They usually replay it on sunday's right?
What kind of a question is that? Of course it was good. When has it ever not been good.
remington69 said:
I haven't watched the episode yet. It's sitting on my Tivo. I'll probably get to it tonight.

After last week's episode, I just want to hug Lem.
I feel pretty bad for Lem. He's always trying to do the right thing and getting fucked for it. I really wondered how he was going to get the word out to the guys that he was wired.
Yeah, but I can get to this site. Weird huh? My work has tons of sites that really aren't bad in the least blocked for some reason. I think they want me to work or something.
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