OT: Who gets the last word?

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remington69 said:
That blows. Stupid dentist. I have to go next week and get a filling. I have the smallest fucking cavity on one of my molars. I have no freakin' idea how I got it, either, since I brush and floss every day.

too much brushing can actually make things worse,it wera your teeth away lol,drink more water and less soda lol,the dentist nearluy killer me last time i went lol,felt like razors in between teeth lol,good luck
warparty666 said:
Arrested Development and Homicide are my top two ever. It's a shame that fox canned AD, you can't blame them, the ratings were low and I heard it cost 1.4 million per episode.

Wow, it's been a while since I came across someone who even remembers Homicide. That is my all-time favorite show, and my cheap ass bullshit cable company just upgraded me (and shut my cable off all night, without bothering to let us know it was going to happen, AND they're charging me another $5 a month for it, even though another part of town has been already getting these channels for the same price) to get a channel that plays it fairly often. I have no idea what channel it is, I was just so happy to see it on my guide that I set up a series recording on my DVR.
Oh, and I know I'm a few days late, and I'm too lazy to go back and see if this was discussed already, but I am most distressed about the seemingly inevitable catastrophe that will turn Lem's ass into bitch pie. I'm just not happy about it. Anyone else find this disturbing? Rem, help me out here.
TNT airs Homicide/Law and Order crossover shows sometimes but other than that I can't find it anywhere on TV. I'm starting to get the DVD sets. I was in Baltimore yesterday and had a beer in the bar where they filmed some of Homicide.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Oh, and I know I'm a few days late, and I'm too lazy to go back and see if this was discussed already, but I am most distressed about the seemingly inevitable catastrophe that will turn Lem's ass into bitch pie. I'm just not happy about it. Anyone else find this disturbing? Rem, help me out here.
must be shield talk...blah blah. still haven't seen it.
warparty666 said:
TNT airs Homicide/Law and Order crossover shows sometimes but other than that I can't find it anywhere on TV. I'm starting to get the DVD sets. I was in Baltimore yesterday and had a beer in the bar where they filmed some of Homicide.

I just checked my DVR. It's on Slueth TV. It's channel 257 here. I still haven't determined if it's on every night, or one night a week or what.

The problem with TNT airing the Law and Order crossovers is that there weren't that many of them. I got excited last week or the week before when they were on and running trailers on them, but it was short-lived, since it was only the crossovers and it wasn't on again. Law and Order is on 15 times a day, they could pull it for one hour and put Homicide on and it wouldn't hurt them.
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