OT: Who gets the last word?

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Sounds like a fun weekend, I spent mine going in and out of NyQuil comas. I got a 3 day weekend coming up, should be a blast as long as I don't get sick again.
warparty666 said:
Sounds like a fun weekend, I spent mine going in and out of NyQuil comas. I got a 3 day weekend coming up, should be a blast as long as I don't get sick again.
I called in sick today my self and I have a three day weekend coming up. I could have made it to work but fuck it after the piddly raise they gave me Friday and the fact that my head was congested with snot I figured call in and don't get real sick.
nafnikufesin said:
Boddington's is still our #1. Make sure he pours it out of the can into a pint glass...it's a beautiful sight, really *sniff*

Oh, he definately used a pint glass. He has started to amass a collection of them and is giddy when he can use them.

I was fascinated by that little ball thing in the can. I have no idea what it's for.
remington69 said:
Oh, he definately used a pint glass. He has started to amass a collection of them and is giddy when he can use them.

I was fascinated by that little ball thing in the can. I have no idea what it's for.

It's the nitrous...It supposed to help keep the taste or something like that?? I am sure NFF will be able to explain it better. I have been on a forty kick lately, I ended up drinking two of them last night and listened to Municipal Waste and Dew Scented. Mondays aren't so bad if ya got a brew and some good music:kickass:

I have been having band practice all the time lately. It's funny, my buddy about once a year gets this thing where he gets super serious about playing and us "making it" :lol: and wants to play constantly. It doesn't bother me cuz I love beating the shit out of the skins. It's just funnny to me I guess, because I never have played drums to "make it" but if that is what it takes to get him off his ass and jam then I am going to be a rock star:lol:
warparty666 said:
One turned into four(didn't get to six) now only five hours until my alarm goes off. Might be time for a sick day.
I'm only gonna work half day. I swear I don't feel bad just a little tired and a head full of snot. :ill: I should have just tied one on and called in.
MyHatred said:
I have been having band practice all the time lately. It's funny, my buddy about once a year gets this thing where he gets super serious about playing and us "making it" :lol: and wants to play constantly. It doesn't bother me cuz I love beating the shit out of the skins. It's just funnny to me I guess, because I never have played drums to "make it" but if that is what it takes to get him off his ass and jam then I am going to be a rock star:lol:

I was/am still like that, but I dont have a band!! My cousin is kinda in the same predicament. He is serious, but the rest of the members are not. They have recorded a CD (which through connections the same dude that mastered the last Pink Floyd record mastered theirs), but they do not play outside of their hometown and a few surrounding cities. They wont travel more than 2 hours to play anywhere. They are pretty popular where they are, they can fill a hall or club or bar when they play, but they just wont drive. I just want to bash all their heads in. If they would put forth a LITTLE more effort, maybe they COULD have a real chance. Granted, I did it, went broke, went into debt, and failed miserably, but at least I did it. They sit at their practice hall and say "wouldnt it be cool if..." but they dont act on it. They will spend thousands of dollars on their own PA, mixing board, new amps, new drums and new instruments, but they wont shell out just a little to go 3 or 4 hours to play somewhere else to get their name out. Me and my cousin are pretty close and I would hate to see him "waste his time" (in his words) with guys that have no desire to be known outside of their town.
Errr well I am one of "those guys":lol: I have an awesome job that I am not willing to leave, so I guess it would be me that is holding the band back. I have no problem playing gigs when I have time off or on the weekends and I am not afraid to venture out of my "comfort zone". I just have no desire to leave my house, dogs, cd collection, girlfriend, comfortable bed, yadda yadda to live on the road in a crappy van with a bunch of my smelly friends only to play in front in 15 people. I have spent easily a couple grand on my drums and equipment. I have always played as a hobby only and I have always told everyone that before hand.
remington69 said:
Oh, he definately used a pint glass. He has started to amass a collection of them and is giddy when he can use them.

I was fascinated by that little ball thing in the can. I have no idea what it's for.
The "widget" will be found in cans for a few famous UK brews, particularly Guinness, Boddingtons, Kilkenny, and a few others. It allows the beer to maintain draft-like properties out of the can. It alos preserves the beauty of the pour allowing for tightly packed bubbles, almost creamy texture, and the "cascading" effect as the head settles.

We've talked about taking our ratings and using the best qualities of our favorite beers to one day brew our own "perfect" beer. And if we ever do, you can bet it will include a widget :kickass:
nafnikufesin said:
The "widget" will be found in cans for a few famous UK brews, particularly Guinness, Boddingtons, Kilkenny, and a few others. It allows the beer to maintain draft-like properties out of the can. It alos preserves the beauty of the pour allowing for tightly packed bubbles, almost creamy texture, and the "cascading" effect as the head settles.

We've talked about taking our ratings and using the best qualities of our favorite beers to one day brew our own "perfect" beer. And if we ever do, you can bet it will include a widget :kickass:

It does have nitrous in it though, right?
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