OT: Who gets the last word?

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remington69 said:
After I had a hard drive crap out about 2 years ago, I bought an external one to back up everything important (like music). It's a great investment to make.

I got one of those trojans on my last computer, alongwith a worm.exploit.exe something or other. It slowed the thing wayyyy down. The shitty thing was, after attempting to fix the registry and everything myself, I ended up fucking it up worse than what it was. Over 300 songs, lost, as well as some levels to a few of my games I had saved. I was pretty mad. As for who wrote those viruses? Someone in an office, or some kid that sold it to someone. That is why I made friends with a few programmers/hackers/phreakers and invested in some pretty decent firewall and anti-virus tech.
I didn't realize how dependent I was on it til it was all gone. This thing has everything though, CD/DVD writer, DVD-rom, and a slot to put an external (or removeable, I guess it's the same thing) hard drive, which I think I will pick up and use. However, a lot of the software that it came with is only 60 day trial stuff, so I have to invest in that, first. It also has USB ports in the front so I don't have to fuck around with trying to wedge my mp3 player in the right port from behind.

I'm sure DD will turn that last line into something dirty. :D
JEEBUS, what a chore. I just put all my Anthrax back on my computer. I managed to track down everything except Stomp and GOTE. And that's including my CD singles. That's a lot more than I was expecting to find, so I'm calling it a day on that. Armored Saint is going to have to wait until another day.
nafnikufesin said:
We already know what DD has backed up :lol:

DD is unavailable for comment.

This was is his last known picture and if you have any information on his whereabouts please contact the local authorities
Well, since Scott and Brent have announced it on the podcast, I can finally tell you all about the project I’ve been working on…the “We’ve Come For You All” skin for the site. I don’t know when it’s going to be up, but it is on the way. I hope you all like it.
When I get some free time I’d like to do the volume 8 skin. I’ll try to keep you posted, I mean, you know…since I’m such a frequent poster here.:D
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