OT: Who gets the last word?

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DarbysDad said:
My Nissan truck runs fine. Is it user error? :D
I somehow missed your comment, DD.
No. It's not my fault. :) You know that stupid, worthless piece of shit clutch switch thingy? You have to hold the clutch in to start the truck. Or press the clutch bypass button. You know what I'm talking about?
Well that stupid goddamn fucking switch is acting up (again). Sometimes the truck wont start. This happened a few years ago too and I had to get the thing fixed.
This would never happen if my Nissan was a Honda.
At least it's not a Ford 'cause it'd be dead by now (over 163,000 miles and going).
nafnikufesin said:
Hey Brat, have you taken the kids to the new Bruce movie yet? :lol:

I'm waiting for it to hit the $2 theater. I can't afford karate tuition AND trips to the movies at full price. I've yet to find the money farm that Joe keeps talking about...

But yes, it is my intention to see that movie at some point. I can't save them ALL in case of (Bruce's) retirement. Depriving my kids is just plain wrong. :D
Piston's won game 7:kickass:

It was a decent weekend. Had band practice and laughed my ass off. The practice itself sucked but my guitarist was so drunk that it made up for it in hilarity. I guess he started drinking around 11 in the morning and by the time I got to his house to pick him up he was piss drunk. We decided to go ahead with practice anyways because according to him "He needs to learn how to play drunk." Yeah, as you can imagine he played really well:rolleyes: It was funny seeing him sway back and forth like the guitar was extremely heavy and was fucking up his balance. We were really impressed:rolleyes: :lol:

I only drank a six pack this weekend and decided that I was to pissed off to drink. I only like drinking when I am in a good mood so I didn't want to turn into Mr. Drunk Beligerant Asshole. Definitely looking forward to the long weekend coming up. I'm going up north with a bunch of friends and going camping.
MyHatred said:
Definitely looking forward to the long weekend coming up. I'm going up north with a bunch of friends and going camping.

i'm going camping too in the Illinois River Valley area. It's actually quite beautiful down there. My husband is looking forward to sitting around the campfire cooking brats and drinking beer.
I'm going to a state park in Muskegon. I have never been there but from what I gather it is a really nice place to go camping. I pretty much have the same plan as your husband. I just want sit around and drink beer, sit by the campfire, relax, and eat brats also. You have much better brats in Chicago though. It will just be plain ol Johnsonville brats for me. They are good but nowhere as good as some of the smaller companies that make them in Chicago. It is supposed to get up in the eighties this weekend also:headbang: Bout time fucking time!!!! It has been nothing but rain for the last two weeks:erk:
ThraxDude said:
I somehow missed your comment, DD.
No. It's not my fault. :) You know that stupid, worthless piece of shit clutch switch thingy? You have to hold the clutch in to start the truck. Or press the clutch bypass button. You know what I'm talking about?
Well that stupid goddamn fucking switch is acting up (again). Sometimes the truck wont start. This happened a few years ago too and I had to get the thing fixed.
This would never happen if my Nissan was a Honda.
At least it's not a Ford 'cause it'd be dead by now (over 163,000 miles and going).
I know what you're talking about - I never have that problem with my truck. I did have a similar problem with a Ford Mustang (Automatic) when the switch was fucked up and you couldn't start the car sometimes without fucking with the shift knob :Spin:

My Ford Ranger was fine while I had it. It had a Mazda Motor.
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