OT: Who gets the last word?

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DarbysDad said:
Myhatred I feel you here's to you :kickass:

anyway how can you live with her until the end of June? Are you sure it's over after 4 years.

Well she is looking for a new place and I am nice because I am letting her build some cash up to do so rather just kick her out of my house.

Yes, I am sure that it is done. This may sound shitty on my part but she had me look at her email account to see if she got an email awhile back. She was at home and I was at work & we don't have internet at home so she was curious to see if her friend emailed her and gave me her password. Well, I am sure she thinks that I forgot that email password. Needless to say, I haven't. I check it on occasion and I have read quite a few of her emails to her friends the last couple of days after this and read how she is estatic to be single and how great it feels ect., ect,. It was a real eye opener and felt like someone stabbing me in the heart reading some of the things she said about me. I know, I should just kick her ass out on the street but that is not my style and I am a better person than that. I'm just really bummed and figured I would bore you guys with my personal life.
MyHatred said:
Well she is looking for a new place and I am nice because I am letting her build some cash up to do so rather just kick her out of my house.

Yes, I am sure that it is done. This may sound shitty on my part but she had me look at her email account to see if she got an email awhile back. She was at home and I was at work & we don't have internet at home so she was curious to see if her friend emailed her and gave me her password. Well, I am sure she thinks that I forgot that email password. Needless to say, I haven't. I check it on occasion and I have read quite a few of her emails to her friends the last couple of days after this and read how she is estatic to be single and how great it feels ect., ect,. It was a real eye opener and felt like someone stabbing me in the heart reading some of the things she said about me. I know, I should just kick her ass out on the street but that is not my style and I am a better person than that. I'm just really bummed and figured I would bore you guys with my personal life.
That sucks, man.
I hate women.
I've been single for over 3 years. And I haven't been betrayed in over 3 years. See how that works?
remington69 said:
Just in case y'all wanted to know, when you decapitate newborn rats, their bodies wriggle around for a good few minutes afterwards. I wasn't doing the decapitation (tomorrow's my kill day)...I was observing the grad student doing his.
almost sounds like my friends experiment of slaughtering tadpoles
ThraxDude said:
That sucks, man.
I hate women.
I've been single for over 3 years. And I haven't been betrayed in over 3 years. See how that works?

Yeah, I am taking a sabbatical from women for quite awhile. The last thing I need in my life is more drama. She, of course, "want's to still be friends":rolleyes: and have visits with the dogs. I'm sorry but knowing that she is probably blowing someone else doesn't sit well with me. She wants all the advantages of a relationship but none of the responsibilities or the work that comes with being in one..It just sucks. Plain and simple. I am going to be like most guys and deal with my problems the ol fashion way and go to my buddies and get shitfaced drunk. There goes my "I'm taking it easy on the hooch for now on.":Smug: Looks like it will probably be a nice two day drunk.
MyHatred said:
Yeah, I am taking a sabbatical from women for quite awhile. The last thing I need in my life is more drama. She, of course, "want's to still be friends":rolleyes: and have visits with the dogs. I'm sorry but knowing that she is probably blowing someone else doesn't sit well with me. She wants all the advantages of a relationship but none of the responsibilities or the work that comes with being in one..It just sucks. Plain and simple. I am going to be like most guys and deal with my problems the ol fashion way and go to my buddies and get shitfaced drunk. There goes my "I'm taking it easy on the hooch for now on.":Smug: Looks like it will probably be a nice two day drunk.
Like Sam Kinison said "friends mean we don't fuck" Enjoy the bender and do a slutt or one her friends or both. :heh: :Smokin: :kickass: :headbang: :heh:
MyHatred said:
Yeah, I am taking a sabbatical from women for quite awhile. The last thing I need in my life is more drama. She, of course, "want's to still be friends":rolleyes: and have visits with the dogs. I'm sorry but knowing that she is probably blowing someone else doesn't sit well with me. She wants all the advantages of a relationship but none of the responsibilities or the work that comes with being in one..It just sucks. Plain and simple. I am going to be like most guys and deal with my problems the ol fashion way and go to my buddies and get shitfaced drunk. There goes my "I'm taking it easy on the hooch for now on.":Smug: Looks like it will probably be a nice two day drunk.
I don't know why it seems easy for them to "just be friends". Maybe it's 'cause they're fucking bitches.
No offense to any of the ladies in the house.:D
Three different bitches have cheated on me over the years. Whoever it was that said, "Better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all," probably didn't date a fucking cheating whore. I'd rather be single for the rest of my life than be cheated on ever again.
Hang in there, bro.
remington69 said:
That really sucks MyHatred. I've never gone through a serious breakup (I've been with my husband since high school), so I don't know what it's like. But, chin up, dude. There are better days (and women) ahead.

I married my second boyfriend, but my first one was a psycho whackjob nutbar, with a hint of stalker. I don't regret THAT breakup at all.

I wouldn't know the first thing on how to be single. And forget dating. I give credit to anyone who even attempts it.
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