I guess there are a lot of guys out there "suffering for their music" without actually being good at it
As the one the few exceptions to that rule, I can say that American guys do the same thing, at least in my experience. Out of all the guys I've gone out with (there have only been 4, but whatever), they all felt the need to call me at least twice a day (sometimes 3 times) and to hang out with me every other day. My response would always be something like, "But we just hung out a week ago!"Ptah Khnemu said:American girls demand 1000% attention from their men.
Taliwakker said:Yeah...i wouldn't rule anyone out of a relationship based on their occupation (unless they were a hooker maybe)....if they are hot and can support me while i'm trying to make it to the big time and don't get jealous when other chicks hit on me at gigs...then thats all i need in a woman.
The Lullacry chick has moments or angles of hotness...and then other times there is nothing there at all.....you gotta watch out for chicks like that
I saw about 40 of them on Rage the other night.
War Blade said:And i think the whole no girls wants to be used for sex thing can be debated, I mean there are some real sluts out there...
Chris Brooks said:Saying you'd never date someone because of their occupation is weird...I guess there are some occupations I would find more disturbing than others though, but unless she plans on being a mortician outside of working hours...
turke said:Oh my god, Chris Brooks is here. Man, your playing is great
ThornsOfSorrow said:Out of all the guys I've gone out with (there have only been 4, but whatever), they all felt the need to call me at least twice a day (sometimes 3 times) and to hang out with me every other day. My response would always be something like, "But we just hung out a week ago!"
Androz said:Chris, It's been a while. You know, you are the reason I want a PRS![]()
turke said:Oh my god, Chris Brooks is here. Man, your playing is great.Keep rockin
And people, if you don't know this guy, he plays better than you in anyways. You can be sure![]()
I didn't say she wasn't hot (not my favorite). I just said the band sucks.
ThornsOfSorrow said:As the one the few exceptions to that rule, I can say that American guys do the same thing, at least in my experience. Out of all the guys I've gone out with (there have only been 4, but whatever), they all felt the need to call me at least twice a day (sometimes 3 times) and to hang out with me every other day. My response would always be something like, "But we just hung out a week ago!"
ThornsOfSorrow said:As the one the few exceptions to that rule, I can say that American guys do the same thing, at least in my experience. Out of all the guys I've gone out with (there have only been 4, but whatever), they all felt the need to call me at least twice a day (sometimes 3 times) and to hang out with me every other day. My response would always be something like, "But we just hung out a week ago!"
Kronikle66 said:Her: "Hey, can you get that for me?"
Me: "Oh that phone over there?" *I point towards it*
Her: "Yes, thank you."
Me: "It's right there fyi."
Her: "Can you pick it up for me?"
Me: "Oh yeah, I totally could. I mean it's right next to me. You would have to walk all the way down to pick it up."
Her: "Ok, so are you gonna do it?"
Me: *I look over and see a guy laughing his ass off at this whole thing as he fills his cup with beer* "Well I kinda gotta pump the keg for this guy's beer."
Guy: "HAHAHA This is so f***ing awesome man! Hahahahaha!!!"
Her: "You are such an asshole! F**k."
Me: "Well I'll point you in the right direction, I mean, I did see where it landed after all."
For the rest of the night, anytime I would walk by cute punk/indie chick, she would call me "an asshole." This is kind of a hard thing for most men to realize, but just because she doesn't like you, doesn't mean she isn't attracted to you. Attraction isn't a choice. Later on in the night, I walk out into the backyard again and I hear, "Yeah, this is that asshole who wouldn't even pick up my f***ing phone when I dropped it." I just looked back and said, "Aww poor baby. I love you too," and walked on.
It comes time for cute punk/indie chick to leave. As she's walking out she doesn't even look my way, and I just smile. Then it hit me, maybe I really did strike a chord? For a moment, I thought she might have actually been pissed off at me. That is, until she came back in, walked right up to me and gave me a big hug.
Her: "If I ever drop my cellphone again, I hope you're nowhere around you big jerk!"
Me: "If you ever drop your cellphone again, I'm picking it up." *I pull her cellphone out of her pocket*
Her: "Oh yeah?"
Me: "Yeah, and I'm putting my number into it, and you're going to call me later, and take me out for coffee." *I put my number into her phone then put it back in her pocket.*
Her: *She looks into my eyes* "Thanks" *She hugs me tighter and walks off.*
Really, this is a pretty extreme example, but I was the only guy there who wouldn't give in to anything a woman demanded, and I wouldn't appologize for it either. I was the only guy there to give my number out to 3 women and sleep with one that night. It's all a power struggle and the standards are set right at the beginning.
... Wow, that was kinda unneccessary. Maybe I should just open my own thread about meeting women?
turke said:I didn't get it, did you made this up in your mind, or this really happened ?
or Psychopathic Pimp. sorry buddy but manipulating people is not my thing. I know how to get chicks to sleep with me, but I'd rather be myself and find someone who genuinely loves me for who I am. Power struggle you say? I say there should be a constant power channeling. Not trying to be on top, but helping each other reach higher in life. Tell me kronikle, you married? Or do you just screw em, write about it and forget them?Beelzebub said:You should change your username to Rico Suave.
Kenneth R. said:or Psychopathic Pimp. sorry buddy but manipulating people is not my thing. I know how to get chicks to sleep with me, but I'd rather be myself and find someone who genuinely loves me for who I am. Power struggle you say? I say there should be a constant power channeling. Not trying to be on top, but helping each other reach higher in life. Tell me kronikle, you married? Or do you just screw em, write about it and forget them?