Oh I like it when guys say upfront they have no intention of being exclusive to me..that way i can save my time of even wanting to date the jerk

. I think guys (and girls) should totally be themselves in all their asshole glory because that way we dont have to play games and I dont have to waste my time worrying about them when theres so many more fish in the sea.
Its true however that women in general are attracted to asshole men. Its that cocky confidence and charge of testosterone, I dont know why we like it we just do. HOWEVER, I personally run from guys who act TOO confident and who I can see is just playing 'the game' because that isnt real to me, and I dont want to just be another chip on their headboard. I am more likely to fall for the quiet brooding guy in the corner who is reading a book or something than the guy who is out there flirting with everything that moves.