Beelzebub said:
It gives her the goth look that ret likes.
yeah but.. theyre FOAM! Thats just pathetic IMO - if youre gonna go for the killer wristband look, at least make it something that can actually cause severe bodily grievance if you happen to a) impale someone on the spikes or b) impale your own face on the spikes if you dont be careful.. that to me would be far more badass.
Nemesis Ixix said:
I can also cook great spaghetti and never forget the toilet seat up. not to mention I own a convertible car .
@ SilentRealm: you look really nice on your new avatar by the way.
as long as you can cook breakfast thats all I care about

- i like to cook the dinners, coz thats my specialty, and I like a guy who knows how to whip up a plate of pancakes with strawberries and marscapone with a side of bacon (my favourite).
and thankyou
Androz said:
The risht one looks like a guy
No she doesnt.. and what the hell are cosplay girls anyway? I've never even heard of them.
Nemesis Ixix said:
I don’t agree with you. Hooking is a honest job and the fact that they have sex for money doesn’t make them sluts. Sluts are ordinary girls that will fuck you up for a better deal. I happen to know one or two.
actually, this is perhaps one of the most intelligent comments I've ever heard out of a guy
I dont personally agree with prostitution as a lifestyle choice for myself, the idea of having to have sex and being humiliated by and possibly even abused by strange and gross men really doesnt do it for me, however I dont condemn women who make that choice for themselves. None of us can hope to really understand what another person thinks or believes and the justification they've given to themselves to make this choice, or the circumstance theyre in which makes them feel its the only option for them.
besides if there werent prostitutes around, how else would some guys get laid?