OT: Your Top 3 "Most beautiful girls"

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proulxski said:
Agreed...its a stereo type women have about guys who are jerks, but the first thing I notice, and personally love is eyes! Eyes are like the center of the universe for man or women... You can if someone is sad, lying, happy, angry just by their eyes... Anyhoot Yeh I love her eyes, very hot (even if its possible thats not the real colour I still love em)

I think they're the real colour..

yeah I agree, although I can't think of any guys who I like for their eyes.. wait, yes I can - Josh Holloway ( and the rest of him too :p )


- they are definately a major point of attraction for a person. But even if they're not big pools of colour that you'd happily melt into, they certainly often convey the most amount of emotional information. You can easily fall for someone just by the way they look at you I think.

On this thread topic, you know I walk around the shopping centres and the streets and school, and I also indulge myself in cheesy magazines and advertising brochures etc.. and honestly I must say the best looking women I see out there aren't celebrities or anything, they're just a random girl that might walk by or some small-time Kmart, Target, or Avon model (man some of those Avon models are disgustingly attractive). But because they're not big-name celebrities or widely accessible via google, they get completely overlooked. The moral of my story.. two morals actually.. firstly, that big name celebrities and models are NOT the be all and end all of attractive people in the world, and secondly.. what's my second point again? I'm having a brain fart.. oh yeah.. just because my beautiful women well has dried up via the internet, doesn't mean I've run out of ideas!

Rachel Weisz again - firstly (again with the two-point reasons) because I still think she is the most gorgeous woman, and secondly.. this picture is fucking hot!

SilentRealm said:
Rachel Weisz again - firstly (again with the two-point reasons) because I still think she is the most gorgeous woman, and secondly.. this picture is fucking hot!


Really? I think thats one of the worst photo's of her I've ever seen of her, its so washed out, pale and photoshop'd.
SR wrote
The moral of my story.. two morals actually.. firstly, that big name celebrities and models are NOT the be all and end all of attractive people in the world, and secondly.. what's my second point again? I'm having a brain fart.. oh yeah.. just because my beautiful women well has dried up via the internet, doesn't mean I've run out of ideas!

And the moral to this story is that Charis needs to carry her camera everywhere she goes to capture these honeys for this thread.

I will say that some of the hottest women ever live in Qld.
Taliwakker said:
and that pic of Rachel doesn't really look like Rachel.

it doesn't really does it, but the nose and lips is the same as her and it says its her so it must be! I think I like the bed-head look (I always have a bed-head look myself) and the way the makeup is done is usually how I do mine.. maybe its the narcissist in me finding that pic attractive lol.
Taliwakker said:
more likely the raging dyke

hey I'd happily do her! :lol: - I could see myself turning lesbian for Rachel!

also that site you posted is great! This is what I was bitching about all those pages ago people!! :p - women aren't nearly as attractive in real life as magazines make us think they are! It's funny how they totally change her belly button in the photoshopped image to hide the scarring on what is obviously a reconstructed belly button from a tummy tuck! I don't personally think there's anything wrong with the real woman in that photo except that she is just normal looking really and not the 'fantasy' that people expect. Oh and I also love how they've swollen her boobs out just that little bit in the photoshopped image.. to make them seem 'fuller' - classic :lol:

EDIT: Woah!! check out the blonde on the links in that page!! haha! God I wish I had me a photoshop guy to make over my pics!!
SilentRealm said:
^ well she is a pale girl, and it's not that photoshopped.. who cares what you think.. I like it :lol: I think its her face in it and her hairstyle - very sexy!

i think she's attractive, but not hot... i find there are different types of attractive... three for me really, there is sexy/hot, beautiful, and cute/sweet

sexy/hot basicly gives you a boner

beautiful is like you can't stop looking even though your not really thinking about her in a terribly sexual way...

cute/sweet is more of a person where you can see their personality expressed on their face.

rachael is like a cute/sweet type for me.
^ can't a girl be all 3? And well, none of all those asian girls that were posted I found particularly hot but that's my taste, as is yours for the fact you don't think Rach is hot :p - each to their own.

my own definitions of levels of being attractive:

hot = good body, good hair, not particularly attractive face. Someone you'd shag for the night but not take home to mother, or if you did the family would be wondering why you're with her, aside from the obvious physical attributes. Her look screams 'do me' but in a trashy way by showing all her bits and pieces.

sexy = good body, good hair, good face/not so good face doesn't matter. She is a sex kitten, her whole look just reeks of "do me", but in a subtle way. She might be dressed conservatively but you can just tell she would be a demon in the sack. Very sexually aware of herself and it is a major part of her identity. You'd take her home to mother, except it would mean that your family would KNOW what a pervert you really are in bed!

gorgeous = good body, good face, good hair, probably even a good personality too! The very textbook definition of beauty. If this woman even looked your way, your legs would turn to jelly and if she wanted to date you, you'd think you were the luckiest person on earth or you'd run screaming because you wouldn't know how to handle it! You'd take her home to mother, but the family would be talking about you behind your back wondering why the hell she is with you.

cute/sweet = good face/not so good face doesn't matter, same with body type and hair, good personality and usually accompanied by a particular quirk that makes them attractive (ie nice smile, funny sense of humour). You'd definately take them home to mother.

beautiful = similar to gorgeous but not to the same degree. Usually also accompanied by a quirk that makes them more attractive, but generally also physically more attractive than a girl who is merely "cute". You'd take them home to mother but like the gorgeous girl, your family would be wondering why she chose you.
SilentRealm said:
^ can't a girl be all 3?

uh yes... i never said one can't be all three... but i don't think that girl is like hot hot hot, or incredibly beautiful... she looks like a great person to be around though just because of her presentation on her face.
Rachel Weisz is simply beautiful and talented, with the ability to be really sexy when she wants to (anyone remember "Stealing Beauty" and "The Mummy/Returns?") But the other thing I find so attractive about her is that she has class. She's very talented as an actress, and from what I've heard she's very down to earth and polite. Gotta love those Brits!
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