
If it becomes rational, nay even preferable to seek the void rather than live, well then what is wrong with suicide? I dont see why prison would force one to commit suicide, as it is only ones flesh that is being tried in prison; however, if one finds in prison that they can no longer reason, to think of the good, to have desire for more life, well again, suicide is the best option.

This is basically the Stoic's position on suicide. I see it as highly noble, although conditioned on a higher rational logos--or god, the one etc.
Silent Song said:
i am avidly against suicide.

I know its the way you are, but there you go with the absolutes again. Being the sophist I am, I offer argmentation on this point.

Why should one continue in a life that has no meaning for them? What if a person has reconciled all the extraneous aspects of their life ( lover/wife/husband, work, their body, material goods, finances etc) but still finds no meaning what so ever? Of course hardly anyone commits a suicide becuase of this anymore. What if their reason to live, their ideal be it a country or an idea is lost? Or what if they decide they will take their own life when they want to end it? Overcoming nature and so-called God. Now that is interesting.

Personally if I am old or in critical condition, cancer ridden etc, I would prefer to take my own life and die in dignity--not as some pathetic piece of rotting flesh.
i'd prefer to keep my dignity and not end my life in cowardice for fear of what is to come.

as you know, i see suicide as self-murder, because i believe life is a gift of God, and to kill anyone, including oneself, is to offend that gift, and further, i believe that the body is a temple to God, and so injuring oneself is to intend injury upon his temple, and him. suicide is therefore in my perspective the highest form of refusing God: by denying his gift, destroying a temple to his glory, and killing that which he loves.
How can you be "against" suicide? For some people, it's the right option - unfortunately, the stupid rarely take this form of exit. That's why methamphetamine, crack, heroin, PCP and cocaine should be legal and sold at wholesale cost to idiots.
Silent Song said:
life is better than death. it is that simple. whatever misconduct occurs in prison should be reformed, i do not believe such acts are part of the sentence.

Like the misconduct will be taken care of. Such acts are part of the sentence because they will occur due to the sentence. As for life being better than death....fuck it.

Agree to disagree? This isn't going to go anywhere.
The Devil's Steed said:
Suicide is far from the most idiotic thing someone can do.
what then, is?

and yes, i do think prison systems should be reformed and stricter. the sentence is confinement, not rape. rape is a crime and should be punished.
Silent Song said:
what then, is?

and yes, i do think prison systems should be reformed and stricter. the sentence is confinement, not rape. rape is a crime and should be punished.

Let's see...there are at least a few things I can think of, and I'm sure others can think of more.

Rape, murder of someone who doesn't deserve to be killed, taking a completely pacifist approach to life and refusing to defend yourself against any sort of possible attack, etc.

In some cases suicide is the most brilliant thing a person can do, because once they've committed suicide they've done their part to make the world a better place by removing their sorry ass from the gene pool.
Silent Song said:
from my perspective it doesn't work that way. life is a valuable gift, and not to be destroyed.

I disagree there. To you life may be a gift, but to others it's misery. Their life is full agony & despair. Some of which they can't even control. I've met people like this. I had a friend who walks the streets now, after getting out of the hospital from a recent suicide attempt. You can say life is a valuable gift, but thats just your opinion.
and why would one not seek to remove the misery from their lives, instead you suggest they remove their lives and simply give in to cowardice? afraid to face their problems? how childish.
Silent Song said:
and why would one not seek to remove the misery from their lives, instead you suggest they remove their lives and simply give in to cowardice? afraid to face their problems? how childish.

You don't understand! Some people can't remove the misery from their lives!
Why do you think people commit suicide in the first place?
You're under the assumption that it's possible to remove the misery from someone's life, which it may not be. If they have a medical condition like clinical depression or they're a manic depressive they can't help it. If you think suicide is an act of cowardice you need to put this into perspective: When attempting suicide you are going directly up against your strongest instinct, that of survival. It takes one hell of a brave person to overcome that. It's certainly not an act of cowardice because someone doesn't want to solve their problems, it's usually caused because people have problems that can't be solved.
anyone who thinks their problems "cant" be solved and thinks ending their life is a good solution needs psychological help to fix their biggest problem.

xorv, i think it is YOU who does not understand.
Silent Song said:
who are you to decide?

Who are you to tell me I don't have the right to decide? Or anyone else for that matter? Your beliefs are simply your opinion, they are not written in stone and the absolute right and wrong for everyone that exists in the world, like you seem to believe. I know it's hard to accept it...but please do. Otherwise, you really have no reason to post here since every debate will inherently end in a stalemate due to your "I'm right, your wrong, nothing will change that" attitude.