Own Pictures

OK, so here we go, me with even less facial hair


Holy shit thats a funny one :D :D :D :D
you dont look like yourself... honestly I think I would walk right past you if you looked like that :D :D
Yeah, I haven't been on this section of UM in ages, but I shot your brother the other day Tyra and I figured you should get one of the first looks at some of the photos.

Amon Amarth 439 test by Abnegātus, on Flickr

This is literally just what it says, a test picture. In no way or shape is it complete, because frankly I was just unsure how to crop the damn thing for right now. I made it a bit "tighter", just because the enclosing darkness seems a bit off in the original picture. Either way, they put on a damn good show, and frankly Johan is the happiest front-man I have ever seen in my life (which is a refreshing change from all the "oh god I'm super death metal/true to the scene" type bull which is incredibly tiring).

Obligatory "staring up your pants" shot:

Amon Amarth 229 test by Abnegātus, on Flickr
This is literally just what it says, a test picture. In no way or shape is it complete, because frankly I was just unsure how to crop the damn thing for right now. I made it a bit "tighter", just because the enclosing darkness seems a bit off in the original picture. Either way, they put on a damn good show, and frankly Johan is the happiest front-man I have ever seen in my life (which is a refreshing change from all the "oh god I'm super death metal/true to the scene" type bull which is incredibly tiring).
The first one is an awesome picture! Pessimism for minister of art!
If you think that's nice, hopefully you'll like this touch-up better. I felt the top of Johan's head looked to... artificial. It's juts from the background far too much for the light levels.

Amon Amarth 439 II burn by Abnegātus, on Flickr

this one looks a bit more natural for my tastes. I still have around 112 pictures to go through (these were chosen out of 1156-ish), so that number is going to be cut down dramatically over the next few days, especially since I need to send these to metal blade soon.
Wow, well, I'm impressed! Funny how the little tow-headed boy with the fat tickle belly grew up to look so...evil. nd I'll make sure he sees the photo!
If you think that's nice, hopefully you'll like this touch-up better. I felt the top of Johan's head looked to... artificial. It's juts from the background far too much for the light levels.

Amon Amarth 439 II burn by Abnegātus, on Flickr

this one looks a bit more natural for my tastes. I still have around 112 pictures to go through (these were chosen out of 1156-ish), so that number is going to be cut down dramatically over the next few days, especially since I need to send these to metal blade soon.

It was a very good pic to begin with, but yeah, that looks even better now...

but 1156 pictures... sorting them must have been a nightmare!
If you think that's nice, hopefully you'll like this touch-up better. I felt the top of Johan's head looked to... artificial. It's juts from the background far too much for the light levels.

Amon Amarth 439 II burn by Abnegātus, on Flickr

this one looks a bit more natural for my tastes. I still have around 112 pictures to go through (these were chosen out of 1156-ish), so that number is going to be cut down dramatically over the next few days, especially since I need to send these to metal blade soon.

To be honest I don't see the difference =/

BUT it's still awesome ^^

Keep us/me posted on the pictures! :D

Edit: Do I have your permission to use this as a profile pic on another forum, and in an online game?
Great!!! (The other pics on Flickr as well!)
Though taken at concerts they've got some kind of 'film air'. Modern kind of Sergej Eisenstein in it or something like that. At least Eisenstein came to my mind...:)