picture thread! (modem users beware)

Aggressor said:
Hahaha :lol:
Good going mate :)

Are those runestones in the first picture?
We have quite a few of them around here too...
nope, they're part of stone circle which lies next to the triangular mound which i tried to take some photos of but failed to get any good shots of partly due to the size of the mound itself but also because of the hostile disposition of the meadows bovine inhabitants ;)
but perhaps i'll make another try when they're not there this autumn.

but when it comes to rune stones this baby stands pretty close to where i live:


Patric said:
Hahah spaffe you did it again.

Here's two fuckin hilarious pics of how my Sister got her Dutch boyfriend in the Swedish tradition of midsummer. This happened in NYC no less.



"[size=+1]Forbidden[/size]You do not have permission to get URL '/users/42c2871e/bc/My++legacy/Midsummer/In+Battery+Park.jpg' from this server."
Yeah, that's what I mean...he looks quite "cartoonish"

Bad ass pic I just found of Phil Anselmo somewhere in Slovenia:

Fucking oath! This is the first time I've seen a dude with a beard the EXACT color as mine! And you're right Agg, that helmet is quite special...Kazack Viking?

Humerous pic opf the big daddy aka Billy Milano:

There's a horribly amusing Swedish graphic artist, named Jan Stenmark, who takes old adverts from the 50s and 60s (amongst other things) and modifies them slightly.

"God is everywhere! he stubbornly claimed, and flailed wildly about in the room."


"I didn't know what to think. Suddenly, she was ever so suave."


"He often thought about half a liter of milk in his fridge."
@gcele: some of jan stenmarks works are hilarious, but i think he's a bit uneven, some of it isn't funny at all, but i like the ones you pasted tho :p

@patric: hehe that sort of pics can be humerous but i don't like them since they're so racist.
Patric said:
Fucking oath! This is the first time I've seen a dude with a beard the EXACT color as mine! And you're right Agg, that helmet is quite special...Kazack Viking?

Sorry for answering so late (currently I'm not at home and that won't change till Sunday...)

Exactly wth your hair color?
lol :)

No, nothing viking. Its just Germanic. To exactly define the culture is difficult, 'cuz this style occured around 500 years after the birth of Christ, but as u see it has Asian influences. But as u propably now too, helmets and armor ( one horse=1 helm / 2 horses or 6 bulls= 1 armor)were fucking expensive, so only rich people had them.
And, armor and helms were common items for trade and presents....so they occured in different tribes at the same time (at least it was possible).... So I'm not quite sure.
At the HP this pic was listed under Merowinger....Could be true, couldn't be true....