Own Pictures

oh wow, what have I done??? oO

looks like I need to explain some things ^^

first of all, Beave got it! I dont care if anyone likes gunes or whatever, I like guns, too. and to answer that question, Im in one of the biggest Softair teams of northern germany maybee germany, and know what softair is.
actually what I dont like are the types of his pics with that gun in the camera and stuff. I dont know which country he comes from, but in Germany guys like that are first to get ripped off in public media and everyones yelling "ooooh, baad metal listeners, their all satanic blood drinkin killers. this music has to be forbidden" this debatte starts all over again everytime something happens and that really pisses me off. so I got a litlle upset about them pics.

he can have his guns, but their are ways to show them without looking like a "gangbanger" ;)

and Im absolutly not trying to tell anyone how to life, that fails big time, of course. Im just saying that pics like that fail, too. at least for me.

hope I got everything oO
Ah, ok, cool. All cleared up now.....like I said, I don't really want to get into that subject because of all the idiots out there who paint gun owners all with the same brush, and the debates can go on for goddamn days. Here in the states, metalheads with guns aren't considered gangbangers, since we have actual gangbangers here. :heh:
Here, In Poland, there are many fake gang-bangers. Those are 13-16 year old kids walking down the street and "painting" some graffiti on the walls. Actually, my photos are parody of polish life style of youth. A lot of techno\pop listeners sitting drunked on the bench, cursing and accosting other people.
In my country, if you use a knife in self-defence you will go to jail, if these fuckin moron, who attacked you get hurt.
but in Germany guys like that are first to get ripped off in public media and everyones yelling "ooooh, baad metal listeners, their all satanic blood drinkin killers. this music has to be forbidden" this debatte starts all over again everytime something happens and that really pisses me off. so I got a litlle upset about them pics.

he can have his guns, but their are ways to show them without looking like a "gangbanger" ;)

and Im absolutly not trying to tell anyone how to life, that fails big time, of course. Im just saying that pics like that fail, too. at least for me.

hope I got everything oO

Think you did bro. Yes, it would be nice to shed that image of weirdness that comes to most people's mind when they see you wearing your metal t-shirt, and you say you like metal in general and extreme metal in particular.

Judging and finger wagging is all too easy- Here I am judging them because of their guns, while at the same time, for most people, I'm foreign and I am into metal, so guns or not, I must be a freak too, surely?

Well, I don't think he was necessarily condemning people who like guns. I think he was condemning people who act like moronic gang-bangers with guns, which is clearly the case in those pictures.

Nailed it well. :p
yeah I imagine, I should get one of these , no alarm clock can wake me up :( , I wake up to very loud music only , and imagine how every one feels in my place when I wake them up at 6 am :D
Me after a long boring day at work, take it or leave it.


A few of my favorite knives. (The orange thing at the bottom is a 12" [30 cm] ruler, just for a sense of scale.)
