Own Pictures

At Metalway, last Friday


Damn, I look daft. crappy camera, too much light and not enought warning... bad combination.

Plus the security guard was going a bit mental so I could not take another picture with the rest of the band. :mad:

:notworthy ¡Alucinante! ¿Y donde está esa cara de pringada que me dijiste que tenias en la foto, eh? Quizá tienes razón en lo de que habia demasiada luz y todo eso pero... yo solo veo una cosa en tu cara, concretamente en tu frente... y pone: F e l i c i d a d... S i, s o y f e l i z ... :D
Hey, you two, now please explain how a Basque beer that is REALLY hard to find outside greater Biscay is sold in a Gotheborg pub. I have been trying to try that for ages and they never have it ANYWHERE!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Edit: Picture, but you know what I am talking about.

You are drinking the Baigorri (red cattle) if I am not mistaken.