Own Pictures

Oldish pic about 6 months.

That's me when my hair was it my longest. Which is pretty much right now. I got old old pics from the intermediate stages where I look like a total fag. My high school didn't let boys grow their hair past their collar so I kept cutting it to within a cm of my collar for 2 years basically. Once I went to college I started growing it.

That's me when my hair was it my longest. Which is pretty much right now. I got old old pics from the intermediate stages where I look like a total fag. My high school didn't let boys grow their hair past their collar so I kept cutting it to within a cm of my collar for 2 years basically. Once I went to college I started growing it.

link didn't work for me :(
I can tell you I did get a bit annoyed some 5 years ago when I was looking for a new job.
I had short hair, but quite a long beard.
They told me I could only have the job if I cut the beard off :mad:
Ah hell, I cut it off like they wanted, waited so I got the job and when protected by the laws, I grew my beard long again :heh:

Ah fuck dude. That sounds like my dad. He keeps going on about my long hair, saying that I won't be able to find a full-time job when I'm older. I tell him that my hair is only going to get longer, as I don't think it's quite long enough yet.


That was taken about 30 minutes ago or so... Used to have an eyebrow ring in, but it got ripped in a fight so I took it out and getting it re-done Saturday arvo and putting a bar in this time.

And I hate the fact that I have been trying for a year now to grow a beard and look at all I have so far?? :mad:
Whatever floats yer h orny little boats is cool by me.

But it's not like piercings are the tickets to ladiesville, if ya catch my drift.

If a guy isn't having much luck pulling in the snizz on his own, its not like he can remedy the problem by getting a bunch of piercings..

Haven't all your lives benefitted immensely from the wisdom i've imparted on this forum? Lucky bastards. You all should be paying me to post here.:D

Fixed. here it is hopefully.


Just realized how hard I'm squinting for some reason. Probably because the sky is so washed out.

You look like you're planning to stab the cameraman.

Nice hair, btw...I wish mine was straight and thin....
And I hate the fact that I have been trying for a year now to grow a beard and look at all I have so far?? :mad:

Just shave whenever there are these little hairs growing.. the more you shave the faster a real beard will pop up.

I have very little facial hair myself. Its only starting to get thick under the chin and on the mustache area.. i don't even have any hair elsewhere.. :( and i'm 21.
Oh well for some people it just takes a while... i don't really mind although i'd like to try out a few "beard cuts". I guess I'll have a real beard at 25 or so..
I wasn't capable of growing somewhat a real beard 'till my 28th b-day. Even now at 32 I got no side burns. Either way I don't give a flying f-bomb. I'm just glad I got hair on my head.

I'm in the exact same boat. It sucked for a time when i really wanted pork chop sideburns, but i'm past that now.

I still got the hair on my head so i guess i'm forunate in that regard..