Painting your future...


Jun 3, 2002
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Just thought about my own future (as I mostly do when I'm talking to someone I like in a very special way ;) )

Do you often think what you'd like your future to be? What you'd like to become, or something like that?

What would your future look like? I guess I just want to be together with the above mentioned person, and then there may come what will :) Perhaps studying, too, then, surely getting some job first, but before I'm gonna move out of Germany for sure. Well, the other things I haven't thought much about, yet :)
Have you read my mind???? I wanted to post a thread like this
too! But I was too lazy too see if it already existed in here somewhere.
Ok - I'll get back to ya on this one! :)
Hm, future at the moment is to get this flipping translation done. It drives me nuts that I have to translate such a crap...
It's such a bad writing and really hard not to loose the sence of it and IMO do not belong in the magazine at all... it surely will piss off some readers...
Anyway, need to go back to finishi it... :loco:
I hardly ever dare to hope for things..... lest I get disappointed. But then it's nice to have a sister who has, and can use, a pendel, whcih is smth I don't know the name of in english (a "thing", in some sort of stone or just metal, hanging in a string, and you can "ask" it questions with using your energies and transfering them to the pendel, and then it'll either start moving or not, depending on the answer)

Anyway, she asked a lot of questions, one of them being about smth concerning me, and many of the questions she asked the same time, hgave already come to pass just as the pendel said!! Which makes me more optimistic! :D
Yes, I hopes what she predicted with that pendant was something good, Fjell :)

Well, is there nothing you'd like to see your future be like? ;)

Lordenlil: I cannot recall if there was a thread about it here, so, here it is now :)

Morgana: What do you think your future is like if you look over the "rim"... I mean, further in the future than your work at hand ;)
Anyway, bet you'll be done by now with that translation, aren't ya? ;)
my future looks pretty grim.....what the fuck am I gonna do when I get out of College? I have no life, no girlfriend, no motivation, no anything...
Originally posted by Ziuwarian
Morgana: What do you think your future is like if you look over the "rim"... I mean, further in the future than your work at hand ;)
Anyway, bet you'll be done by now with that translation, aren't ya? ;)

Nope not finished, still 7 pages left to do, but need a break, have to relax & getting ready for the physio therapy in an hour.

About my future... well, I hope things work out fine for me. Most of all I hope to get well and stay healthy.
No big plans for the future. Little over a month left of my summer job and after that I'll be free to enjoy my vacation for a little while before studying starts again..
What's gonna happen after all that, I don't have even a faintest conception.

np: Dark Tranquillity - The Sun Fired Blanks
Originally posted by Sadistik
my future looks pretty grim.....what the fuck am I gonna do when I get out of College? I have no life, no girlfriend, no motivation, no anything...

Don't care about it ... things always happen ... ;)

NP: Virgin Steele - Mind, Body, Spirit
Seems I'm better off then most here, as far as ambitions are concerned, anyways :p

It's all 4 possibilities.
1- I'll be working in the game industry, making maps for games. I like doing this on my spare time, I've grown to be pretty damn good (well, been doing so since Duke Nukem 3D, so I should have learned some stuff....)
2- I'll be working my way up in a military career, as that's where my education (partially) and my motivation (mainly) is taking me.
3- I'll be stuck in the computer industry, working with sales, as that's what I do now, and I know I do it well
4- I'll rule the entire world. I've got the plans ready, so just you wait!

Worst thing is they're all equally propable....
hmmm... what do I WANT my future to be?

Not to different from the way it looks like it's going to be. I will be travelling for work for the next 5 years (or so). I want to go to some interesting and not-normal places. After that, I'll come back to the US (hopefully Chicago) and try to settle down. I know I'll have to get a job elsewhere (probably not in Chicago), but I do want to come back. And then, I pray, I can find a nice lady to settle down with.

But I don't want to remain single for the next 5 years (the last 6 weren't much fun), so hopefully that'll change sooner rather than later.

But I love the work I do. I have good friends (but the list of friends will change... it always does), and I love my life.
I just need a woman. :bah:
Originally posted by Karldin
Well, the immediate future holds a summer job and one more
year of school. After that it's pretty cloudy. Just hope I find a job I
like and all that.

Same. Of course my summer job only lets me have like 16 hours a week. assholes.

I will probably go to some college for computer science and ...hopefully find a nice girl there...:erk:
I have no idea what my future will be like... I have
no clue what I want. There is no dreamjob for me
out there... This is why I don't know what school I
want to go to, cause I have nothing as a goal! >:eek:P
I'll just have to pick something and see where it
takes me....

Right now I live by just enough money for food,
cds and rent. Other than that it's just "luft og
kjærlighet" (air and love) :eek:)
i have five years left towards a doctorate...
but now methinks i'd rather teach then research. it'll come to me later...