I have a serious question, are there ANY other prog bands which actually bring a Dream Theater and Symphony X level of musicianship and songwriting to the table? Because so far I can't find any and it's bugging the hell out of me

. There's a few that 'aren't bad', but they're not great either.
You're asking for musicianship AND songwriting? In metal especially, these two rarely go hand in hand.
If you want extreme musicianship that make sense then check out any of the classic 60-70's prog rock bands.
For metal though, people might recommend
Pagan's Mind and such. They're decent and maybe you'll like them.
Pain of Salvation maybe but they're a little different from SX and DT.
Kamelot? They seem to have lost both musicianship and songwriting lately.
Opeth are a little too extreme maybe and so are
A.C.T are too, but in the opposite way (ie they sound gay).
Shadow Gallery - why not. If you like them you'll like
Madsword but they only released one album before breaking up. A lot of people who like DT also enjoy
Fates Warning (personally I love their earliest stuff) and
Spock's Beard. I know DT musicians have worked on
John Arch's solo albums,
Transatlantic (which if you like you'll also like
Flower Kings, probably),
O S I and a lot of other stuff. Romeo has as you probably know done some stuff on
Ayreon and
Star One. As a thumb rule avoid band with female singers and bands that are well-known just because they have one exceptional musician. Especially if that musician is a guitarist. Except for
Freak Kitchen, which you might like. They're a little pop'ish though. There are exceptions for the female vocalist rule as well but then we're not talking prog metal (with emphasis on metal) anymore. You've got some more Scandinavian bands-
Circus Maximus and
Wuthering Heights. These bands are basically power metal though but I mention them because they're still a bit experimental.
Also, check out any of the other 200 forum threads on the subject of good prog metal bands and recommendations.