Paradise Lost not the best album

Ah, what the heck do you know anyway? :p :heh:

I love Paradise Lost. I always hate to judge something as "the best," but I will say it is currently my favorite SX CD. I still listen to it a lot. The songs were awesome live. It will be interesting to see where they go next.

Not much, not much at all.

Hopefully you can make it back to the radio show chat room soon, it's an absolute buffet of new music these days. I think in the last 3 weeks I've debuted 9 new releases.
Some of their songs don't translate well live, but everything they've done from this album has been awesome! Now only if they'd play Seven!

Personally, I don't think Revelation is all that good live. I think they'll shelve that one. Don't get me wrong, love the just isn't live material. And I would be perfectly fine not hearing Seven live, as it is my least favorite song on the CD.
odyssey and divine wings are probably the top 2.....
then maybe v, THEN paradise lost..
then twilight....

im not a huge fan of TIO....

theres just something different about wallings drumming....
and i dont know...
it seems as if they rushed the album...
TiO has filler tracks such as The Relic and Into the Dragons Den; however, it also has some of my favorite SyX songs as well such as Smoke and Mirrors, Church of the Machine, and Through the Looking Glass. V is definately still my favorite overall and is what made SyX my favorite band. After The Odyssey and Paradise Lost being somewhat lackluster to me it is hard for me to say that SyX is still my absolute favorite band. I think the only thing that keeps me from changing what my favorite band is the fact that all the other bands I really enjoy are pretty equal in my book. The thing that made SyX my favorite was the diversity in their music; however, as of late they seem to be more about mostly power "in your face" metal that sounds good live than anything else.
You are forgetting something Mr. symphonyXjapan. SYMPHONY X ARE A METAL BAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY SHOULD ALWAYS SOUND IN YOUR FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They're not just now, or "as of late" doing this. That is the type of band they are and most of their music sounds in your face.

Anyways man, SC4 is out. My PSN is Yousef5. Let me own you with Sophitia and Astaroth.
TiO has filler tracks such as The Relic and Into the Dragons Den; however, it also has some of my favorite SyX songs as well such as Smoke and Mirrors, Church of the Machine, and Through the Looking Glass. V is definately still my favorite overall and is what made SyX my favorite band. After The Odyssey and Paradise Lost being somewhat lackluster to me it is hard for me to say that SyX is still my absolute favorite band. I think the only thing that keeps me from changing what my favorite band is the fact that all the other bands I really enjoy are pretty equal in my book. The thing that made SyX my favorite was the diversity in their music; however, as of late they seem to be more about mostly power "in your face" metal that sounds good live than anything else.

The Relic & Into the Dragon's Den are FILLERS? YAOOYFMIMO! :heh:

You are forgetting something Mr. symphonyXjapan. SYMPHONY X ARE A METAL BAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY SHOULD ALWAYS SOUND IN YOUR FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They're not just now, or "as of late" doing this. That is the type of band they are and most of their music sounds in your face.

I haven't read yet this entire thread I started but come on guys some songs from Paradise Lost sound too comercial and the album as a whole it's clearly non-polished despite the huge amount of time they had to do it. I remember hearing a song don't remember the name but it resembles a bit of Stratovarius.
Seriously guys it seems that our beloved band Symphony X is getting more commercial and that can't be good.

Anyway my friends, I'll hear the whole album again and again and give you a more detailed analysis, maybe in some things I've been wrong, I'll check it out with care.
By non-polished are you talking about the song quality or the production quality? Production-wise, I think it's some of the finest they've ever sounded. Except, for Michael Pinnella being too low in the mix at parts.

I wouldn't say the quality of the songs is any less. It's just not as prog-oriented as past albums. A song like "Serpent's Kiss" might sound more commercial, but it's still a great song anyway.
And as it has been proven, an album without an epic song = epic fail.

This is why TiO and PL are the weakest SX albums...


That's not what I was saying. I love Twilight! TTLG is an epic, anyway. I was just saying that they were going to write an epic title track but didn't have time because of the label wanting the album sooner.

TiO has filler tracks such as The Relic and Into the Dragons Den

I'll agree that Dragon's Den isn't their strongest song, but Relic? Both it and Orion are underrated if you ask me.
That's not what I was saying. I love Twilight! TTLG is an epic, anyway. I was just saying that they were going to write an epic title track but didn't have time because of the label wanting the album sooner.

I know I was just bein' an ass.

Seriously guys it seems that our beloved band Symphony X is getting more commercial and that can't be good.

Does anyone else find it quite funny that "getting more commercial" for a metal band these days means getting heavier, whereas 10 years ago "getting more commercial" meant getting softer (i.e. Load/ReLoad)?

Is there never satisfaction? "We want you to be heavy and soft. Stay in the middle. Do not fluctuate. Also, vote along party lines just because you were raised that way."
Does anyone else find it quite funny that "getting more commercial" for a metal band these days means getting heavier, whereas 10 years ago "getting more commercial" meant getting softer (i.e. Load/ReLoad)?

Hmmm... not sure about that. I don't think it has to do as much with the heavy/light contrast as it does with the overall catchiness of the entire package. Symphony X became more groove-oriented with Paradise Lost, and they also sacrificed some of their complexity and keyboard presence. All three of those factors seem to contribute equally to their higher level of success. Unfortunately for Pinnella, mainstream metal fans have something against keyboards (I'm not sure why... maybe it's not "heavy" enough for them). Complexity seems to be a hit or miss in the mainstream - Symphony X is great at being complex yet still maintaining a groove, while bands like Dream Theater are a cacophony of clusterfucks to the mainstream public.

Of course, I know as much about mainstream music as a brick, so I'm probably talking out of my ass.

By the way, I liked Load (and Reload, to a lesser extent). Sure, they were no Puppets or Justice, but I thought they were good for what they were.
Never heard them or any more progressive metal bands on a major radio station, so I'm not quite sure what "commercial" means...if it means accessible, that's not always a bad thing.