Paradise Lost Samples

This just comes down to individual perception/interpretation based on different experiences, knowledge and preferences. It's like how some people cannot enjoy the music of someone they know is a complete arsehole. It sounds the same no matter how it's played or what the person is like who plays it, but there's a lot behind the scenes of the final product of a piece of music that we often can't help but dwell on. I find it unlikely that anyone can just listen to the music without thinking of other things. Even if it's just wondering what strings are being used or what it'd be like seeing them perform it on stage while you're in the crowd headbanging.

Thank you for saying that because people took a very simple little quip I made and went to complete polar extreme's including 'what the hell is wrong with you' and on the other side 'yeah, only complexity is acceptable'

Guys... twas a simple quip. It's like a 2 second little fill in the scheme of the song that I was just commenting on how FUNNY it was that hearing it immediatly triggered that 'irk' response from past experience. It definitely does not need to become the arguement it seems to be here. Meiseh said it way better than I have been able to. Truly a casual little anectdote that was more so meant to be funny than anything else. I'm sure people on this board know when I have a strong opinion I am by no means reserved about sharing it. But, in this instance, it wasn't anything I said with an ounce of real seriousness behind it, just makin coversation. chill-ax. ;)
From the samples you can notice the production is way better. I don't think Odyssey has a great production because of the drums. They sound very thin, without power. But Rullo does not use heavy drums anyway. He is great though.

I thought the drum production was horrible on the Odyssey, which was a major dive from arguably my favorite drum tone EVER in the genre on V (accompanied only by Dream Theater's Awake) . So I was glad to at least hear a return to form on this album. I actually like that Rullo does not have overly heavy drums, X does a lot of stuff that needs space to breathe and often times an album in this genre can get oversaturated with drums - particularly when they spend a huge chunk of time pounding away on the double bass
oversaturated with drums - particularly when they spend a huge chunk of time pounding away on the double bass

Agreed. The production is near flawless as far as I can hear... Anyone notice that not one second of the vox we've heard from the new album is like something allen has done in the past? not saying this is a bad thing , just something I noticed! Cannot wait \m/
it was just one lick dude. if u say the whole song is garbage then u are mentally ill.

PS. someday you'll grow up and understand music, not just listen and judge by how it's played.

Oh stop self projecting, you treat music as if it's just some noise. And I don't recall him playing the entire song, and the whole "If you think..." statement tells me you are in fact mentally ill.
I thought the drum production was horrible on the Odyssey, which was a major dive from arguably my favorite drum tone EVER in the genre on V (accompanied only by Dream Theater's Awake) . So I was glad to at least hear a return to form on this album. I actually like that Rullo does not have overly heavy drums, X does a lot of stuff that needs space to breathe and often times an album in this genre can get oversaturated with drums - particularly when they spend a huge chunk of time pounding away on the double bass

Another great drum tone IMO is Nevermore- TGE...

But yeah, I agree that the production on this new SymX is nothing short of outstanding!
TGE does have a great drum sound on it.I can hear all of it perfectly, without it being over powering, which sometimes ruins it. Too bad however I can not here but a few bass notes on the entire album.
I thought the drum production was horrible on the Odyssey, which was a major dive from arguably my favorite drum tone EVER in the genre on V (accompanied only by Dream Theater's Awake) . So I was glad to at least hear a return to form on this album. I actually like that Rullo does not have overly heavy drums, X does a lot of stuff that needs space to breathe and often times an album in this genre can get oversaturated with drums - particularly when they spend a huge chunk of time pounding away on the double bass

I thought the production for TO fit well with the more kickass playing. Rullo's sound is fine, but I'd like a little more substance in it.
I think the reason that people say it sounds like Tool is simply for the part between verses that is played in 5, sounds similar to something Tool had done in the past.

As for the song, very heavy. Riff reminds me of the music for the intro level in Quake 2.

Although I totally dig the song, it is VERY unusual for me to hear such an absence of Mike Pinella. I mean, minus the symphonic parts, did you guys hear ANY keyboards? And what about the obligatory keyboard solo?

Very cool to hear Symphony X thinking outside their box. Although I hope that Russ puts his Muse hat on and says the word "dragon" or "dinn" in at least one song.

Although I totally dig the song, it is VERY unusual for me to hear such an absence of Mike Pinella. I mean, minus the symphonic parts, did you guys hear ANY keyboards? And what about the obligatory keyboard solo?

Very cool to hear Symphony X thinking outside their box. Although I hope that Russ puts his Muse hat on and says the word "dragon" or "dinn" in at least one song.

Yeah, I really digged the past stuff with Pinella's keyboard presence.

It's "den" not "dinn", but I agree nonetheless... they DO need to play Sonata/In The Dragon's Den when they come to Perth. :kickass:
Yeah, I really digged the past stuff with Pinella's keyboard presence.

A friend summed it up as "what would happen if Michael Pinella was optional." Amusingly, I had hoped they would lighten up a tad and we'd get more keyboards. It's really a shame; they can do heavy songs with very prominent keyboards, like Accolade II.
Although I totally dig the song, it is VERY unusual for me to hear such an absence of Mike Pinella. I mean, minus the symphonic parts, did you guys hear ANY keyboards? And what about the obligatory keyboard solo?

Aren't there keyboards in the verse, atleast for few seconds, heh. Maybe Pinnella will end up playing the bass parts only like Rudess is doing nowadays:lol: