Paradise Lost Samples


Lol... someone has time on their hands! :lol:
I think this album is going to be sick! I am excited, why is it so far away at the end of june? lol

I've heard the samples and I am digging them! They remind me Nevermore with their faster and heavier riffing.

I won't judge the album because I haven't listened to it. I don't understand how some of you are so affected by small samples and one song.

I am disappointed that I could barely hear the keyboards on Serpent's kiss. I hope there are more keyboard parts on the songs. I was bummed that the Odyssey didn't have many keyboard parts, and you could barely hear like in the song King of Terrors. What's up with this Romeo, you don't like keyboards anymore? lol

anyways, romeo is still a master of composition! I love the odd-timed riffs on Serpent's kiss, now that is progressive if anyone hasn't noticed.
yea dude....for real. Odd-time riffs are the epitome of what it is to be progressive.

(i had to make at least one dickish comment today....nothing personal :) )

lol doesn't mean it's the definition of progressive, but SX is known for cool odd-timed riffs, so for those that think they don't have some of the same flavor from before, they still do, at least from the serpent's kiss song.

is it me or do the drums sound awesome around 3:40? Rullo has a nice feel going.

also the intro sounds a little like "in the dragon's den"
how come they can post a song and we can't have it at SX's official website? Too many things get leaked before the sx website has a say.

Yea well, u can't really stop leaking, I just searched serpent's kiss on youtube and there's like every song off the album...won't listen more than serpent tho.
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