Paradise Lost Samples

Or maybe he meant "din" which is mentioned at least in Accolade II and Smoke & Mirrors. :)

Yeah, I did mean din, guess I spelled it wrong. I think there are actually a few songs that use the word, but Smoke and Mirrors and Accolade II for sure.

If there are keyboards in the verse, they are way buried. Does this mark the first Symphony X song in history with no keyboards??? (I don't consider the Symphonic break to be keyboards.)

In The Odyssey the keyboards lost a lot of importance and presence throughout the songs, except for the two last tracks. If the same happens with Paradise Lost, then the band might be looking for this kind of production, reducing the role of keyboards. I think they should not do it, and is Pinnella enjoying it?
ok, everyone. I downloaded and listened to The Serpent Kiss a few times and I think, hey, this is different.
It is no Odyssey. It's not. No. No.
It's darker, I like the voice, more than on other albums. Russel Allen did a good job.
Then there is a break with some choir, well placed, I like it.
The guitars are a bit too "marshall"... Could be darker imo. I don't like the first 3 seconds of the song, when the guitar comes in. It's too cheap.
The riffs are very good, very rithm :p
There is... Is there synth in this song? Not that it's needed in this song, but ofcourse, it's on other tracks, right?
There's... no, no bass. Little shame though.

It's no odyssey, no, definitely not. It's no divine wings of tragedy either. Who says Damnation game? It's something new, and it's surprising. long as he buys it don't give him to much grief...however if he doesn't I think we should all find him and well, someone with a more imaginative/sane mind will think of something, Kenneth any ideas?
