Paradise Lost's Icon vs. Viva Emptiness

The Scourge

Suicide Machine
May 26, 2003
Drowning in a sea of addictions
I have been saying this for awhile now, but have never really made it too much of a big deal. Both are fantastic gems, and should be heralded on their own individual merits. But there are lots of similarities and parallels betwixt these two mammoth albums.
Starting with the track listing, both albums have 13 tracks; Both albums have an instrumental closer, with melodies very closely related to each other. This of course is not accusatory by any means, but actually recognition of the cool homage that Katatonia is paying to their and my legends. I challenge everyone to listen to those two tracks sequentially and tell me if you hear any similarities.
Also, the song titles are kind of similar or derivative as well, such as PL's "Remembrance" and Katatonia's "Burn The Remembrance," or "Ember's Fire" vs. "Ghost Of The Sun." Lyrical content is also somewhat similar, as "Wealth" most certainly recalls "Joys Of The Emptiness" in man's passive aquiescence to technology.
This list could certainly could go on even further, but I want you Katatonia/Paradise Lost fans to explore these two albums yourselves, and come to your own conclusions; and then post them here.
Oh, and as ColdDarkNord would say, "There is no conspiracy in the kindergarten." Both albums are great on a legendary status, but definitely share a lot of the same ethos . Cheers!!!!! :headbang:
I love Viva, but might go with Icon, simply because Shades of God, Icon and Draconian Times are all masterpieces of gothic Doom Metal (and have been my favorites for several years now.) Now If you would put Brave Murder Day up to Icon, I would have a harder time deciding.
It's never been a secret that Anders' greatest inspiration, at least in the early days, was Paradise Lost and mainly the Gothic album. I bet he keeps his copy of Gothic in a glass shrine in his bedroom :D. The closest Katatonia's sound ever got to Paradise Lost's, is on Sounds Of Decay I think, the guitarsound and the mood of the songs is almost a carbon copy of Gothic!

But on topic, I must go with Icon in this case, easy choice for me. VE is not Katatonia's strongest album i.m.o. and Icon possibly is Paradise Lost's strongest effort, together with Draconian Times, Shades Of God and well, Gothic too..
Lord_AgathoN said:
I would sell my soul to be a part of the concert that is featured on the PL dvd......the one that was shoot at the Longhorn
Oh, tempt not my soul! :) That show is AWESOME!! I have the original "Harmony Breaks" VHS videotape, but want to get that "Evolve" DVD sometime too. You made me play Shades Of God again. While Mortals Watch The Day!! :worship: :headbang:
I just love them all...........and now look at them today. Talk about fallen gods...

Your hand in mine
Reveal all life, uphold all others
Your hand in mine
Are you alive, with flames of sadness

Your hand in mine
We'll reach the sign of plains above us
Your hand in mine
Unholy times of pain relentless
Sater said:
Also interesting is that the 12th songs both really differs from rest of the album.

Excellent point. Christendom and Omerta are similar in their indviduality relating to the rest of the album, and they really are firsts in being "new" and unheard of compositional ground for both bands. But the 13th songs on both albums are the most obvious of comparisons. Honestly, listen to both tracks in sequence for awhile, starting with Deus Misereatur. You will really begin to see the same melodies and theorize how Katatonia got the idea on how to compose Inside The City Of Glass.
Lord_AgathoN said:
I just love them all...........and now look at them today. Talk about fallen gods...

Your hand in mine
Reveal all life, uphold all others
Your hand in mine
Are you alive, with flames of sadness

Your hand in mine
We'll reach the sign of plains above us
Your hand in mine
Unholy times of pain relentless
Shades Of God is just a frickin' awesome album!
Yeah first i didn´t liked the vox cause they are worked on in the studio i least on the dvd they were different. But know....yes maybe better than Icon, IMO
Icon is boring (except: Ember's Fire, Widow, Christendom). i prefer Draconian Times. of course nothing will ever match Gothic...