Parkway Drive Studio Vid


You'd hope so right ;)

*This just in, PWD considers Producer extraordinaire, Joey Sturgis for next album, for to make the awesome tonez*

^ That's a joke BTW!
I fucking love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The mix in that youtube clip sounds so MUCH better like the myspace song!!!!
The lowend is just incredible. The kick as so much low-frequency energy.

This CD is going to be amazing.

Tough as shit, live-vibe, great mix......what do you want more.

And for the last time, PWD isnt any autotune, AA! shit. Its a HARDCORE band playing metal-riffs and breakdowns, so I think this production perfectly fit their style
i love them live, but i just was let down by the difference between unrest live and studio..

the riff at 3:14 is what i hated about old parkway haha.
i think it sounds sweet.... doesn't sound mastered yet, though? IDK.

Vox are way too loud and dry though, fuck that shit.

Low-end is cool but guitars need to be louder..

TBH, this sounds like an un-automated mix, to me...

official album preview streams are always final mixes, fully mastered.
I dig it! I'll be buying it for sure. It's ironic that everyone is bitching that it doesn't meet the typical metal standards (GTRs too quiet, vocs too loud, etc), but it sounds like that's exactly what the band wanted-- to NOT sound like a typical metal album. I'd say mission accomplished.
I feel like non-metal producers/engineers always have trouble perceiving "metal" guitar tone. I mean with everything else in the mix, they can get it sounding "big and heavy" and it works, but with the guitars "big and heavy" just ends up sounding spongy and undefined.
imo in the past, they sounded so good because of Adam D (as a producer). This preview showing us that nothing special left in this band. They lost their energy;P
Im sure I will like the CD but I haven't been completely stricken by the production, and honestly think this CD would be a lot better in the hands of someone like Adam D/Seucof/Sneap/etc.
Maybe the guitar could come out a tad into the front (their fine on my headphones though), but holy fuck, does it ever sound crushing, the mix is really energetic, loving it :rock:
don't like the guitar tone, horizons was so much better... also, in parts the vocals sound too pushed, where they were powerful on horizons, this albums sounds like he's exhausted himself before hand
yeah this production bums me out ... i wish adam d would have done this, and like someone said ,, i would love to hear what joey can do with parkway , he would have made this cd sound way better !

My Band - - Melodic Thrash Metal