Part metal head...

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My fuckin eyes are bleeding.... look at these fags... how could anyone like a band with a dude who looks like a girl????




My fuckin eyes are bleeding.... look at these fags... how could anyone like a band with a dude who looks like a girl????




i noticed couple a things. first of all the dude on the far left in the first pic looks like a borderline pedophile cat in the hat. and also it says metallica, trivium, slipknot, on the top....but they put Panic at the disco as the hottest band of 06....
My fuckin eyes are bleeding.... look at these fags... how could anyone like a band with a dude who looks like a girl????




you would be surprised... thier music is... ok for me... but the lead singer creeps the shit outta me. looks like he crawled out from the bottom of a pit, and put on makeup :S
damnit... don't fucking call me emo. it just bugs me cause of.. you know why... fine i'll list out a TON of bands i listen to

green day
cradle of filth
taking back sunday
MCR (fine i'll admit it)
Panic! At The Disco
the list could go on and on...

You're EMO.:lol:
Glad to see other people responding to my intelligent imput with lotsa gheyness and discrimination :lol: you buried it! *reposts*

you would be surprised... thier music is... ok for me... but the lead singer creeps the shit outta me. looks like he crawled out from the bottom of a pit, and put on makeup :S

PLEASE! Change your fucking name... delete this account with your 11 posts and PLEASE spell 'silent' right... it bugs the fuck out of me... :lol:
ok, here is the deal... two of my buds got me to join this forum to up my "metalheadness" and reduce my so called "emoness".

I woship COB with all my heart since i was introduced to them about 7 months ago. one thing.... my friends seem to think it's a problem that Green Day is my favroite band, not COB... and that about the jist of it...

Um... you can't just listen to heavy music to become a metalhead, wtf. Seriously. It has to give you that feeling inside. When you hear a fucking guitar solo that makes 9/11 look like a firecracker or vocals that please you like an asian sexslave, you should just be immersed in that overwhelming feeling said things provide. If you're tr00, you'll be pulled into the music. Either you're a metal head or you aren't, there's no inbetween. It should invoke a certain feeling in you, or else you may need to seek alternative genres of music to obtain that emotion/bond us metalheads get from our favourite songs/bands. Being emo is ok, eventhough we joke a lot around here cause that lifestyle and its concepts seems to be the (laughable) contrary to ours.

A big part being metalhead is being yourself and listening to what you like despite what any other motherfucker says, so... considering you're only exploring this genre because of pressure from your friends, that's a good indication this maybe not be much more than a (forced) phase for you.

damnit... don't fucking call me emo. it just bugs me cause of.. you know why... fine i'll list out a TON of bands i listen to

green day
cradle of filth
taking back sunday
MCR (fine i'll admit it)
Panic! At The Disco
the list could go on and on...

:erk: I honestly have no clue wtf is going on nowadays, but it seems more and more there's people who list a tonne of NON-metal bands (like kelly Clarkson, Greenday, Panic at the Disco, etc) on their myspaces and facebooks then they couple with that list a few metal greats, (like CoB, Iron Maiden, Dimmu Borgir, etc...). It's just a new and weird thing that's taken us metalheads by surprise. It used to be only one sort of people liked metal, and there was a lifestyle and attitude of individualism that accompanied it and no one else really went for it outside of that crowd.

Now it's sorta getting extremely mainstream. :( Young kids like the music but don't really have that lifestyle or attitude, which is fine. I just don't like the idea that listening to heavy metal makes them metalheads. (Same with if you listen to rap you're a gangster or listen to emo music, you're emo [eventhough I don't listen to either, I'm just saying to illustrate my point])

Not to be elitist, cuz I don't care for that bullshit unless I'm kidding around, but I'm just saying, in my books, it's a lifestyle/attitude not the bands you listen to that gives your the title 'metalhead'.

That's my opinion anyways, who's with me?

Pretty much agreeable (i hope thats a word). The thing with metal as you said is to get that certain feeling when you listen to something, if you dont get it, you probably shouldnt be listening to metal. Its nothing wrong with liking more "easy-listened" music, like pop/rock. But once you start appreciating the complexity of compositions you will be able to enjoy all sorts of music genres, like jazz, metal, classical.

But if it doesnt come natural, then its nothing to be ashamed off, people are different, metalheads arent cooler than normal people, its just another "lifestyle".
Exactly. I concurr, and I would listen to other types music if I got any enjoyment out of it, but I don't. There's plenty of styles of metal and sub-genres to keep me occupied, and as you said, there's nothing wrong with others listening to it, we're not better for listening to metal, it's just I don't feel the need to cuz it doesn't satisfy me.

Your friends pressuring you to listen to metal is like THE WORST reason to listen to it other than "because you think the band members are sexy" erk: :lol: So just be yourself, do whatever the fuck pleases you, and don't care about what others say... that a pretty metal decision all in itself :)

I totally agree with you dude, I know a couple of people who listen to metal combined with all this popshit and they hate metalheads, they look dowm at boys with long hair and shit like that, but still they listen to bands like Maiden and all the "softer" metal. :zombie:

Yeh, it's weird, I don't know when the fuck it happened, and I guess it's good for the band's sales... but they're not metal heads... and prolly would get destroyed at shows... :lol:
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