People from US who listen to DT

@Rampy: I hate what I see from USA mentality, yes, I'm not saying that all of them are like that, only the ones I saw here on last few pages.
I'm not saying anything about STARTING of the thread, but I think the guy probably wanted to know who all listens to DT from USA who posts here more-or-less regularly, not all 908259389 people who came just to say that and never come back again.
I never said he's an idiot, I find him and few more people from USA here very inteligent and never said anything about regulars who posted here, FYI.
No, it wouldn't, unless I saw 32372897584 people coming just to say that and disappear forever, 'cause I was talking about THEIR mentality.
I wouldn't, that's all.

EDIT: And yes, I said typical USA mentality, thinking more on their politics, my bad. But also on all those who post just once to drag they're from USA and listen to DT.
Just don't care of it and it would be fine, why lose energy to talk about them if they only post one or two times ? If they do more, great then...
But I am sure you have some more interesting to discuss :)

BTW I am proud to be canadian and to love DT, anyone else is from Canada here ? :) haha
Rincewind said:
but I think the guy probably wanted to know who all listens to DT from USA who posts here more-or-less regularly, not all 908259389 people who came just to say that and never come back again.
If I recall correctly the thread doesn't specify anything about some sort of "DT forum regular members only" elitism.

Rincewind said:
unless I saw 32372897584 people coming just to say that and disappear forever, 'cause I was talking about THEIR mentality.
I wouldn't, that's all.
Have you checked who posted on this thread? I think that maybe 10 of them could be called one-posters or so. Unless of course you think that people who have 200-odd posts are one-posters of course. Even if they are one-posters, why is that so unnerving? They don't mess up threads or whatever, they don't post stupid comments. They only raise their hand in a non-scientific survey. Some people have other priorities in their life than a metal forum, you know. Maybe mister X was surfing the net and came across this thread, then realized that he listened to DT, lived in USA but wasn't a UM member so he decided to create an account so he can join the other few on this thread. Nothing more, no harm's done.
@Kit Kat: Because I saw it in wrong moment and it pissed me off, my bad.

@Rampy: No, it didn't, I just reacted like I did because it pisses me off, I can't help it.
And no, I would never guessed people have other priorities than a metal forum. :rolleyes:
Creating account just to say that is retarded. Posting one liners on forums you'll never see again is also, just my opinion.
eRraZib_ENo said:
If I recall correctly the thread doesn't specify anything about some sort of "DT forum regular members only" elitism.

hahah yeah dont turn it into the nevermore forum! :heh:
I bumped this thread so
rincewind whotf are you?
we have to put up with your boy toy's stupid games and nonsense about his know it all bull shit theories and you have a problem with people from the US who post here rarely, this tread was started 4 years ago, where were you then? please point out those members who started an account just so they could just vote on this thread. I don't remember who thought you were stupid a while back? But I'm starting to understand what they meant

On your feet

or on your knees
And who the fuck are you? ... I'm a person who doesn't want to have anything with you, so leave it that way.
If you have problems with UC, deal with him. And if anybody here acts like a know it all, it's you.
4 years ago? Hmmmm, here where I am now, not liking people like you just the same.
I finished long time ago understanding what all people who said you were stupid and everything else meant.
You can get on your feet and on your knees for that piece of cloth, to me it doesn't mean anything except a flag of biggest double faced country in the world.
Ok, as the person who actually started this thread, I feel there are a few things that need to be clarified...

First, and most importantly, Canada is in fact the 53rd state.

Secondly, the SOLE purpose of this thread was to help the US members find other US members in their area, to make meeting up at concerts and the like even possible. To a certain extent it's worked. I've so far bumped into Humanure, Plintus, and r2 at concerts. It was for the simple fact that DT seems to actually be a talked about band on the other side of the Atlantic, and so the fans are easier to find than through a message board. That was phrased rather badly, but I think you get the point.
I had no intention of making this a 'hooray for the US' thread. I'm not even a very 'hooray for the US' type of person. I mean, hell, how happy could I be with the ignorant Clinton for a Senator?

Thirdly: No mud. Pudding or Jello only. And I'm already calling 'not in' for myself, and by proxy for Plintus, 'cause I'm not really sure who actually wants to see that.


(Just joking on the Canada thing - I like to poke fun at Canada lightheartedly, because my mom and her family are all Canadian.)
@rincewind: i think that a priori anti-americanism is wrong. and i also think that this thread really serves the purpose for which kov has made it - if i made a thread for italian listeners and saw from a single post that there is someone in my area sharing my interests, i would probably send them a PM to arrange meetings for shows, metal club nights etc., rather than replying on the thread directly.
It was probably weirder for me. I watched you for about half an hour before I figured out where the hell I remembered you from. The whole time my friend was trying to figure out why the hell I was watching you.

And I found it funny that I was way more deafened than I thought I was, and couldn't hear a word you were saying for the first minute or so.

Kovenant84 said:
It was probably weirder for me. I watched you for about half an hour before I figured out where the hell I remembered you from. The whole time my friend was trying to figure out why the hell I was watching you.

And I found it funny that I was way more deafened than I thought I was, and couldn't hear a word you were saying for the first minute or so.


:lol: :lol: :lol:

I remember I looked terrible that night :zombie: Yeah, something awful and ridiculous, something like old lady falling off a bike, something you don't weant to see, but can't look away.
hyena said:
@rincewind: i think that a priori anti-americanism is wrong. and i also think that this thread really serves the purpose for which kov has made it - if i made a thread for italian listeners and saw from a single post that there is someone in my area sharing my interests, i would probably send them a PM to arrange meetings for shows, metal club nights etc., rather than replying on the thread directly.

I don't... look, nothing against many people living there, as I said, I find some people from USA posting here very inteligent. But anti-americanism for their politics and all shit they do every day for me is justified, and I agree with it.
Yes, good point, but I would like to hear did any of those who just came here and said "Me" ever met with anybody else on any show or anywhere else.
Kovenant84 said:
Secondly, the SOLE purpose of this thread was to help the US members find other US members in their area, to make meeting up at concerts and the like even possible. To a certain extent it's worked. I've so far bumped into Humanure, Plintus, and r2 at concerts. It was for the simple fact that DT seems to actually be a talked about band on the other side of the Atlantic, and so the fans are easier to find than through a message board. That was phrased rather badly, but I think you get the point.
I had no intention of making this a 'hooray for the US' thread. I'm not even a very 'hooray for the US' type of person. I mean, hell, how happy could I be with the ignorant Clinton for a Senator?

Thanks for explaining that. :)
hyena said:
@rincewind: i think that a priori anti-americanism is wrong. and i also think that this thread really serves the purpose for which kov has made it - if i made a thread for italian listeners and saw from a single post that there is someone in my area sharing my interests, i would probably send them a PM to arrange meetings for shows, metal club nights etc., rather than replying on the thread directly.[
Her anti-americanism is a posteriori, but ok. And she didn't know what Kov's purpose was, and that's why she asked. It's sad that such a simple question has created such a war as this.

Ivana said:
But anti-americanism for their politics and all shit they do every day for me is justified, and I agree with it.
It's ok to hate usa-ian (americans are from America, which is a continent) politicians because USA politics have been the most anti-democratic and hypocritical politics in the world for centuries, but i wouldn't hate the country or the society because the government is horrible.