People from US who listen to DT

Rincewind said:
I feel sorry for people like you who find satisfaction in offending others. I think you could deal with much prettier and more important things in life.
Because it was oh-so-offensive.
It's a fact that often, UC comes running into the thread to your defense and I just find that kind of funny. Dont act like I spend hours torturing little kittens or something, it was just a joke. And it hit home I see. Cheers ^^
plintus said:
Ugh, flaming girls online is like kicking the shit out of an old lady in a wheelchair, but like 60 years too early :D Don't spoil the fun, Einstein. I'll be nice... maybe.
Except when you realize that the do feel (unlike people like you) and they get hurt by the things you say (and they have their reasons, whatever you might think and regardless of whether you're one of the "internet shouldn't be taken seriously" people). But you would never understand that, so why do i bother?

plintus said:
As of wikipedia link: you'll be a Mexican to me, whatever you are saying, I have no problem with that all at all for now, since I can't provide any sources to back up what I'm thinking on the subject. Just don't say you are American while being in the United States - that can be so misunderstood here :heh:
Don't worry, i'll say i'm croatian. ;) And it's people like you that give the USA such a bad name, which is very sad because not everyone in your country is that retarded.
Taliesin said:
Because it was oh-so-offensive.
It's a fact that often, UC comes running into the thread to your defense and I just find that kind of funny. Dont act like I spend hours torturing little kittens or something, it was just a joke. And it hit home I see. Cheers ^^
Well, yes, it was. And yes, i'll keep running to her defense and mine because i love her and because i can't stand people who torture people --not kittens-- for the fun of it. I wasn't going to say this, but you've crossed the line now: I really can't understand how Judith is with you. If you're like this in real life, i don't get what she sees in you. And if you're not then you're a hypocrite and i still don't get what she sees in you. But maybe some girls dig that.
Taliesin said:
Because it was oh-so-offensive.
It's a fact that often, UC comes running into the thread to your defense and I just find that kind of funny. Dont act like I spend hours torturing little kittens or something, it was just a joke. And it hit home I see. Cheers ^^

I wasn't saying only about this case. Maybe you do, I don't expect you to understand it and you have a right to comment it but you could do it nicer.
I never acted like you torcher any animals or humans (D_S seems quite happy living with you in same apartment anyway :p), but I find your jokes not funny at all and serving only to offend, that's all.
Maybe you should take yourself less seriously, like you did when you joined. But maybe we all should. Taliesin rarely says anything that can be taken as offensive, rather than as a (whether good or bad is not really important) joke. My teaching experience and this forum taught me one thing: dont try to explain things to people who dont want to be explained. Taliesin simply doesnt belong to the category of people whod find most of your explanations worth while. There are various reasons behind it, sure, but its no good pondering over them. All you can do is avoid replying to certain people or certain subjects or use pms.
I'll try to be nicer next time ;)
And tell UC it's ok to laugh about himself and his relationship every now and then.

/E: Heh, thank you for the kind words mister, but I doubt they'll change much
marduk1507 said:
Maybe you should take yourself less seriously, like you did when you joined. But maybe we all should. Taliesin rarely says anything that can be taken as offensive, rather than as a (whether good or bad is not really important) joke. My teaching experience and this forum taught me one thing: dont try to explain things to people who dont want to be explained. Taliesin simply doesnt belong to the category of people whod find most of your explanations worth while. There are various reasons behind it, sure, but its no good pondering over them. All you can do is avoid replying to certain people or certain subjects or use pms.

Maybe I should, but then some other people would come to have something against that too, so I'll act based on how I feel at that moment.
Again, maybe he does, but I don't see it that way.
Yes, I know that, but I guess I have to learn more. :)
I do try to avoid, but when it gets too much, I say what I think, that's how i am, I can't and don't want to change that.

Taliesin said:
I'll try to be nicer next time ;)
And tell UC it's ok to laugh about himself and his relationship every now and then.

Would appreciate it. :)
He does laugh about himself and we do laugh about our relationship - but not in that way, and we have nothing against teasing and joking from others - How do you think my last couple of months looks like since I said to people how I met my boyfriend and that we are in serious relationship?!, it's nothing but joking and teasing :lol: ; this all mess was made because it wasn't funny to us and we found it offensive.
Taking one's self not so seriously can actually higher your self esteem, maybe you should try it. There's nothing like laughing about yourself to make life a funnier experience
UndoControl said:
Don't worry, i'll say i'm croatian. ;) And it's people like you that give the USA such a bad name, which is very sad because not everyone in your country is that retarded.

I live in the States, but I'm from Europe (Belarus). So you can bash 2 countries at once, muchacho.

it's belowrussia too

hence belarus bwhahahahahaha

Söy said:
it's belowrussia too

hence belarus bwhahahahahaha


"Belo" from "white", "White Russia" (as in "clean", "free from ...", "clear", not as color though). But Russia not as in USSR or whatever - as in Rus', the name for old slavic states from early years of A.D.
yeah i sorta knew but i couldnt pass up the chance for a bad joke
Does anyone really care where anyone is from?

Do people really get offended when they're called say... Canadians when they live in like.. China or something? Yea it's an extreme and completely unlikely scenario but I mean c'mon.. location has nothing to do with what a person is like on the inside. They may soak in their cultures activities and personalities but we're really all the sameeeee.

Yea this post was pointless, I really couldn't find words for what I wanted to say and completely lost track of what my point was.


So yea....

DT \m/