People from US who listen to DT

firewindraging said:
and my local record shop doesn't carry projector or skydancer......i don't like buying things off of the internet but i might have to buy those cds on the web.

you can buy them here
when i was an exchange student in the USA, I ordered a cd from there, and it arrived the next day! And it is quite cheap!
I also ordered once from Europe, and never had any problem.
Cant you just ask them to order it for you and then buy it there? If you leave your number they may even call you once it arrives.. anything else would be bad service and stupid of their part
sometimes it takes longer to order a cd in your local record shop than to order it on the internet... Happened to me both times i ordered someting directly in the store...
So, what when you get all UMers from USA to post only this time and never again in here just because they're from USA?
Is it important at all how many are from USA?
Or it is only a way to get 4349896 people here?
Rincewind said:
So, what when you get all UMers from USA to post only this time and never again in here just because they're from USA?
Is it important at all how many are from USA?
Or it is only a way to get 4349896 people here?

Can you just get back to homoku thread, please? :heh:
Rincewind said:
Yes, will do, it's not like I see posts here other than "Me, me, me" - typical USA mentality.

I'm sorry but, your post was typical american hating mentality. Here's a guy who wants to know who else in his country listen to one of his favourite bands and all you find to say is that he's some sort of stupid egocentric american. FYI, not all americans are morons and just because some guy would like to know how many of his fellow countrymen listen to the same music than him doesn't mean he's an idiot nor does he have "typical USA mentality". What if I post a similar thread about Canadian DT listeners? would it be "Typical Canadian mentality"? About the single-post thing: whatever, it's only on this specific thread for a specific reason. I'd rather have single posters for a reason than recurrent ones with 4,000 posts about crap and w00t!!1! (that last example was not directed at you or anyone in particular.)
eRraZib_ENo said:
I'm sorry but, your post was typical american hating mentality. Here's a guy who wants to know who else in his country listen to one of his favourite bands and all you find to say is that he's some sort of stupid egocentric american. FYI, not all americans are morons and just because some guy would like to know how many of his fellow countrymen listen to the same music than him doesn't mean he's an idiot nor does he have "typical USA mentality". What if I post a similar thread about Canadian DT listeners? would it be "Typical Canadian mentality"? About the single-post thing: whatever, it's only on this specific thread for a specific reason. I'd rather have single posters for a reason than recurrent ones with 4,000 posts about crap and w00t!!1! (that last example was not directed at you or anyone in particular.)

Even though I'm sitting now, I'm giving you a standing ovulation... ovation, I mean :D