People selling cracked plugins (WOW)

I was typing a long post but got bored and erased everything. I'll just shorten it to this: making profit with pirated stuff is not ok IMO, otherwise I just don't care.

I actually think positively of piracy in general (not every aspect though), but again, I just erased everything and I'm too lazy. I'm just gonna shorten my thoughts into this: if you don't change with the industry and adapt, you'll be left behind.

BTW, I'm using 100% legit stuff myself, just because.
That’s a fair point Ze Kink; the market seems to dictate what software studios 'must' buy to keep up with the times. Personally I'd be happy if we were still making albums that sounded like Rainbow Rising, but that 'punchy' metal sound is in now, so it’s either buy all the new gear or simply get left behind. - Just another reason why we should stick to more honest sounding productions.
I dunno, I'd say the era near the turn of the 20th century where tycoons (robber-barons) amassed their wealth, consolidated their power vertically and horizontally, and made monopolies/trusts was pretty laissez-faire, in that the government did nothing (at first) to stop this kind of unfair play, and many people (specifically the working class) suffered for it as a result. Total deregulation assumes that everyone will play fair, but there are always gonna be people who will step all over basic human rights to make the most money and hold it at all costs, which is why the government needs to be the police force to stop them from doing so, and "The Jungle" illustrated this perfectly.
That was not laissez-faire capitalism. If you think the government wasn't regulating business, you're simply wrong. Government stepped in on the side of business numerous times to break strikes and disband unions. That is NOT how capitalism works.

Capitalism is free market economy with the government being limited to protecting the rights of individual citizens. NOT a government conspiring with the big business to fuck everyone over for cash.
If the government didn't regulate business, there wouldn't be much commerce. The fact that the government backs contracts is one of the biggest things that's overlooked in the US economy. Without that, there'd be no trusting anyone!
That was not laissez-faire capitalism. If you think the government wasn't regulating business, you're simply wrong. Government stepped in on the side of business numerous times to break strikes and disband unions. That is NOT how capitalism works.

Capitalism is free market economy with the government being limited to protecting the rights of individual citizens. NOT a government conspiring with the big business to fuck everyone over for cash.

True, the gov. did often step in to keep things running, but in general I just disagree with the whole Adam Smith "Invisible Hand" notion that if everyone acts out of pure greedy self-interest it'll somehow end up benefiting society as a whole - in fact, I think nothing good will come out of it, except for those who are looking out purely for themselves.
And I think a perfect case-in-point to draw this back on topic is people who pirate plugins - trying to get them to buy their software simply by guilting them to try to create a sense of responsibility (and let's face it: that's really the only reason anyone buys software, unless they're super pro and would lose business cuz of using pirated stuff) is never gonna fully work, cuz it's essentially asking for "quid" without the "quo;" you want someone to do something (buy software), and you can't offer them anything in exchange (except the assurance that they'll sleep better at night for doing it). What I'm getting at is if people want to stop piracy, there just needs to be stricter laws against it.
Hers is another email Ive received about these waves plugins with no Ilok. Its honestly shocking how this guy comes off. I have not even replied back and he just felt like he needed to email me this.......

"No only retial software versions are with the I-lok... dealers, demos and betas and not locked. They are the same exact processors and all that .. in which is contained in what i said is listed. Cracked, Fake? even if a program were cracked it still is real. Im running an operating system on four computers thats (fake) And is more protected more advanced than the oem operating system. Whats retail is always what you consider (fake) Held back with restriction on sharing.

You dont think if you had purchased these on your own you wouldnt want them on more than one computer? I do and did. And the i-lok prevents that. I refuse myself.. to pay any ridiculous fee on anything thats duped n copied. Specially some plug ins which are just mathematical frequency manipulators, and algrorithims. No hardware and no cost in shipping and expense in labs and engineers developing real gear. Just as the studio gear i own. You would consider all of it (fake) because it isnt sold in guitar center. Everything i own is custom of an original and modded. Thats life without restriction brother.

Like for instance people buying antares plug in for the T-Pain effect... yeah. Get the hardware instrument and it is 5 times more powerful than the cheap plug in. Because unfortunatly electicity is sound. And we can pretend all day these computer can work magic with electricy for music. Never will happen. It will always come down to hardware being the top issue. Remember that.As long as we create electricty the way we do and use it the way we do. The computer will never succeed the hardware. Not until they change the format on how computers themself are created and built. They havent changed since the 80s. still the same set up. Harddrive, motherboard, weak processors than overheat if not cared for, and chop memory. THe old IBM XT. or AT... still the same setup. Just squashing processing in a processor chip or adding more memory or harddrive space. Never actually making the computer better in its function.

Thats retial and thats what you get for going retail. So you like millions of others need to stop!!! Stop that shit now. Stop following the hype.. the buzz and whats "hot".Learn your basics first before you enter music and tell me what im suppose to know about "fake" your knowledge is delinquent to mine right now. with a unsatisfactory question as that. Duped copied.. This plug in pack is original. What the box says what it does.... only issue no i-lok needed. is that an issue? I dont think so. The bottom line is it works. And if i were you I would buy these and upgrade your hardware with the money you save.

This is better than going with geico. Im a programmer and I am an engineer... and i do unlock programs myself so i may put them on all my systems. And share them with my friends. Just as any person in the past duped and shared vhs tapes, cassette tapes and now music cds and dvds. If you feel guilty like your doing something wrong. Then don't ask me.There is nothing wrong. These are not stolen. These are not unwarranted. These are official."

Holly shit report that fuck to waves.
ditto Ermz.... Joshua, run.... do not walk... run, as fast and hard as you can, from any further contact with that fruit-loop.
Just a question to the people who do pay for original software:

Do you always send money (ie. a donation) to the author of freeware/shareware when/if you use it?

Just curious...
i reckon more companies should do commercial and private licenses.

Completely illogical things to suggest, of no benefit to anyone. Creating a class system within your customer base is not the answer. Most companies offer educational discounts with a valid student ID. This seems to be working well, it was something I took advantage of while I was a college student.

There is more than enough free/cheap software out there for anyone who wants to do amateur home production. There is no reason to be pirating software. If you can't produce something that sounds good without (back on topic) Waves, then you're not putting your focus on the right things.
ditto Ermz.... Joshua, run.... do not walk... run, as fast and hard as you can, from any further contact with that fruit-loop.

I'm still a little worried this guy is in the same county as me. I really hope he never sells any hardware i want on craigslist because I might get another unneeded lecture. :zombie:

Honestly though I think I'm about to give up on the hunt for a used bundle of waves plugins and just buy it new. Its been just ridiculous dealing with all these people selling fakes. Oh if anyone has any used Waves plugins bundles to sell or knows were some that may be legit are please let me know. Post here or Pm me please....