People selling cracked plugins (WOW)

yes, god forbid i should make a joke with you that doesn't involve semen.

well, last time we went back and forth in what was supposed to be just good natured joking, I got the impression several people may have taken it a bit more serious than any of it was ever meant to be. Therefore I figure a safe bet is making a joke back at you that in no way specifies my causing of bodily harm to you ... otherwise some people may get worried and no longer realize we're just joking ;)

I love you

and yes, back OT

I still didn't get the point of the "downloaded movie" example so why don't you weigh in on that one
Oh, btw, who of you refuses to watch a downloaded movie?
i do actually (do refuse to watch)... but only if it's a movie that i wanted to see to start with... i buy movies i want to see, because i want the full quality experience, from Blu-Ray, with full surround sound, etc..., not some lower quality download.

i have watched downloaded movies, sure.... on occasion... but never one i actually wanted to see.

so yeah.... in answer to your question... Me.
True, the gov. did often step in to keep things running, but in general I just disagree with the whole Adam Smith "Invisible Hand" notion that if everyone acts out of pure greedy self-interest it'll somehow end up benefiting society as a whole - in fact, I think nothing good will come out of it, except for those who are looking out purely for themselves.

Capitalism, meaning "no gov't regulation of business; role of gov't restricted to protecting individual rights": I'm a store, and I have a guitar for $500. You have $500. You value the guitar for more than $500, and I value the guitar for less than $500. If we exchange values, the same $500/guitar increases in value. Both parties to the trade are richer.

Introduce any external forces upon this trade, and you get a reduction in value. Let's say I'm forced to sell the guitar at $600 due to taxes, regulations, whatever. You will obviously value $600 more than $500, so even if the transaction is made, the overall value doesn't appreciate any.

Let's say I'm forced to sell the guitar at $400 due to price setting or other regulation. If I value the guitar at $500 and am forced to sell at $400, then the transaction won't happen willfully. If the sale/transaction is forced, then effectively you would have stolen $100, proxy of the gov't/forcing party. Value at best rests, at worst depreciates.

Force = Regression
Choice = Progression


Sorry for the rant :zombie:
Many here have shared my opinion on piracy, so no need for me to say the same thing...Aside from that, I will say educational discounts have basically allowed me to start doing what I do, so I can't say I'm completely blameless...I did spend money, but not as much as others.

Aside from that, to go off on a tangent...What always has surprised me about cracked software is why would someone crack it and share it? Seems like someone would first have to procure a copy...So, did they buy it? If they did, chances are they work in the AE realm anyway...So, why would you offer up potential competition the same tools you yourself PAID for in an effort to improve your work? The only scenario that starts to make sense is those who copy and then sell the copies.

For better or worse, I'm too self centered to want to give away something that I may have paid for myself...Especially to those who could further hamper my ability to make money.
But it is illegal to buy educational versions and make money out of it is it?
that depends solely on the license agreement of the the particular software in question... which one agrees to by the act of unsealing the packaging or downloading and installing it.

I just found this website while googling around for some software I'm planning to buy soon:

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the price tags, so I had to read their F.A.Q page and it quickly became apparent... these mother fuckers are selling pirated crap and they are NOT discrete about it. Anyone with a brain can understand that some Native Instruments plug in doesn't cost 19.99$.

I'd like to bust the hell out of that site, but don't know where to turn :)
Stock Reaper EQ, believe it or not, is really transparent and kicks ass! (I found it much more transparent and less phasey than the oft-praised free version of Electri-Q, which I tried for awhile but have since bailed on)

Cheers for the suggestion, I'll have a play with it when I make the switch :D

I'm gonna try out that electri-q one aswell, because hey, what can it hurt having another eq? :D
oh yeah, that's exactly the issue... people using copyrighted music as a bed for their kittie videos..... how accurate and impartial. :rolleyes:

that cartoon is an oversimplification and outright misrepresentation of the actual issues.. not to mention the completely imbalanced comparison. not one of the previous mediums could nearly instantaneously satisfy an entertainment need. tapes had to me taped, then mailed.... TV doesn't play movies until their old, and even then they are edited.... etc etc. with the internet, if i want to watch a movie before it's even released, chances are i can... right now. big difference.

something will have to be done ultimately to curb rampant internet theft of copyrighted materials..... because we are approaching a tipping point some time in the next few to several years,beyond which the companies and individuals creating the content... i. e. hollywood, record labels, etc.... won't be able to continue to do so. then whaddaya gonna download?

no one gives a shit about the backing music to Auntie Val's cute little kitten video-blog, and trying to dismiss such a serious issue by trivializing it with a disingenuous little cartoon mockery is self-serving and short-sighted on the part of the cartoonist in my opinion.
no one gives a shit about the backing music to Auntie Val's cute little kitten video-blog, and trying to dismiss such a serious issue by trivializing it with a disingenuous little cartoon mockery is self-serving and short-sighted on the part of the cartoonist in my opinion.

I only wish that was true. Seen the number of videos Youtube is muting nowadays due to copyrighted tracks? A lot of them are video blogs etc.
I know some of you guys think I am a weird and loony pacifistic idealist but let me tell you that I think this again is an issue of values.
And again, this is such a wide-spread problem that there is no short-term solution.

But there is a long-term solution for this without infringing either any human- or copyrights:
People need to learn responsibility and need to use their fucking brains. Of course you will always have some individual maniacs who don't give a shit about anything they do but generally I'm noticing that most simply aren't aware of the consequences it has to the industry. Thoughts like "Oh well, if I just download this and that it won't really harm anyone..." or "This world is a fucked up rock anyways, why shouldn't I take advantage or it myself for [insert deceptive argument here] reasons" seem to imply that little damage wouldn't affect this issue at all.

We live in a selfish world. And easy access is tempting, often turns innocent people into criminals.

But don't just tighten the laws abruptly, make politics go hand-in-hand with morality and most of all teach the people to think.
I'm not addressing this to anyone in particular but to all of us.

Peace out :lol: