Personal questions thread.

Kvlt Wench

sews no mercy
Jun 23, 2003
San Francisco
Alright, so I'm going to ask a question, and somebody will respond with an answer to my question, and another question of his or her own. Make them as awkward or personal as you want, because people can decide what they feel comfortable answering.

First question:

You're on a lifeboat with Ghandi and Mother Theresa, and the weight of the three of you combined is causing it to sink. Who do you throw overboard?
Ghandi and/or Mother Theresa. They'd probably be happy to give up their lives for me, the misguided fools they are.

Personal Question #2:

How often do you shave your private parts?
Atleast enough for a house. The shot in my mouth would have to be worth it.

My original question I intended: Eat your own shit, or go down on paris hilton?
Passing out in the bathtub and puking all over myself, then pissing myself eventually, at my friend Zero's and Murphy's halloween/birthday party. I also got pissed on by a cat who has a litter box in the bathroom from what I understand.

Your last bowel movement, painful, normal, or somewhat pleasureful?
Rather disappointing, actually. Just a few pellets here and there. Definitely not worth the build up.

You are in a space ship entering the event horizon of a black hole. You have two minutes before you and your body are stretched thinner than a strand of hair. From your space ship, you can see clearly people on Earth via telescope. You and your telescope will survive long enough to see the rest of Earth's history pass by rapidly. Somehow, don't ask me how, you are able to break all known laws of physics and relay just one short message back to Earth. From what you have seen, you can do one of three things. You can inform mankind that its creation of fully sentient machines didn't lead to its eventual downfall but did lead to its slavery and forever stopped the manufacturing of calculator wrist watches, you can stop the eventual second coming of New Age music by reminding them of how awful it was the first go around, or you can inform mankind of the very simple cure for cancer centuries before they actually find it. Of course, you can also forget about all of it and just masturbate one more time before you die. What do you do?
Cream of sumyunguy.... not really...

If you could be any ORIGINAL (keyword ORIGINAL, fuck the spin offs) Transformer, which one would you be.

Say you're dying and you have 12 seconds left to live... but you're in a room with a giant, horny, polar bear who has the cure to your disease in his semen, or if you're a woman, in womans natural lubricating juices... do you inspire the polar bear to release its semen upon you by sucking it off (or in the case of the woman polar bear, by giving it a little 'fix' till its nice and wet) in 12 seconds of frantic toungue work, or do you just give up and die?
Either, or. A dead my pals a dead my pals... (I really didn't just say that, did I?)

A giant rubber ducky, or 2 smaller rubber frogs?