Personal questions thread.

Coconut Rum if it has to be liquor.

Ever track animal shit around the house on your foot and not notice for 5 minutes?
Jesus was never real... and if he was, some skitzo.

Charmin or Scott toilet paper?
I'm not looking to get into a religious discussion here but..technically a religion is based on an idol (Jesus in this case). The belief that Jesus is the one true God and not part of another is Judeism. Believing this makes you a Jew. Jesus did not believe himself to be God but rather the son of God. So no, I don't believe Jesus was a Jew.
What are you talking about, Jews don't believe that Jesus was a god or the son of god.

Dimmu by faaar. At least Dimmu makes great music. Gaydle is just faggoth shit.

Borknagar or Vintersorg?