Personal Shit Thread version 2.0

I'm going to have to agree with Never the same. Slaytanic, I think you were unnecessarily harsh with some of your points, and he's right, you did complain about him speaking about him problems and then go on to talk about your own troubled adolescence.
Podgie speaks the truth.

I'd try and formulate my own opinion, but I really can't think of anything to say. Sorry man. :(
You are just the worst kind of hypocrit here aren'tya. No offense but you're just a cunt :lol: (Thats true I agree with that so no offence was taken)

You tell me that I should shut the fuck up and talk about this stuff somewhere else, and THEN you begin over how sad your life was and bullied this bullied that. Who the fuck cares. I'm not in any way implying that I don't have compassion for the stuff that has / is happening to you, but for fuck sake man. (I was mearly telling you that we all shared the same "I have been bullied scenario" and that I have come through stronger for it)

Might I add that you have been whining obnoxiously about your ankle issue for the last few months. "Oh I cannae get out of the house, oh it hurts so much". Bloody hypocrit.

I wouldn't say obnoxiously but yes I did make mention of that a few times but to be fair to me, this country was under snow for near enough 2 months and I was indeed housebound through no choice of my own, that would enough to make anyone go mental, now that I am out and about, I feel so much better and it does still hurt, it was bone surgery that I had which makes it so much fun, I won't be able to play football which I love, for at least another 9 months, oh dear it looks like I have moaned yet again about my ankles

If you really read between the lines you would see not only am I kicking you up the arse but I am also giving you the moral support you need and telling you that things will get better and also offering you very good practical advice regarding seeing a specialist as you will note I made mention of that fact and that it helped me

If you wish to interpt that in a different way then thats your choice but I sincerley believe my comment to you was in your best interests
I wouldn't say obnoxiously but yes I did make mention of that a few times but to be fair to me, this country was under snow for near enough 2 months and I was indeed housebound through no choice of my own, that would enough to make anyone go mental, now that I am out and about, I feel so much better and it does still hurt, it was bone surgery that I had which makes it so much fun, I won't be able to play football which I love, for at least another 9 months, oh dear it looks like I have moaned yet again about my ankles

If you wish to interpt that in a different way then thats your choice but I sincerley believe my comment to you was in your best interests
It's not hard interpreting this in a different way. Again:

- You suggested I should speak of this stuff with a specialist and not here. So I shouldn't be allowed to speak of this stuff here. THE SENTENCES RIGHT AFTER THAT SUGGESTION, start of with how you had this, and this was negative for you, and this happened to you. Hypocrisy, thy name is Slaytanic (or whatever your real name is).

- Even in this 2nd post of yours you GO ON about how bad your ankle surgery was and how you couldn't get out of the house and how this and how that. What the fuck man, so for some magic reason I should talk to other people about my stuff and shouldn't be allowed to post here but you appareantly can?

- You even say "it's how you handle it which sets you apart". Well clearly you have handled it better than I am, because I am suffering. WHY then would you tell me to shut the fuck up because you only want to read joyful things and laughter on this forum?
The story of you being bullied... It's bad yes. But Never The Same may handle things differently whatever his situation may be. One thing may not affect somebody in one way at all... But for somebody else it could really hurt them.

People go through harsh times and the worst thing to do is to try and get anybody to "man up".

Comments were far too harsh, Slatanic.
Sorry if my comments are considered too harsh but I stand by them, again I was trying to offer practical advice by showing that everyone goes through pain in their life but some deal with it badly and I was mearly trying to say, if this is so bad and it's fuckin up your life, please see a specialist as there are some things that are not ideal to be shared on a public forum and from NTS post he clearly is crying for help and is looking for sympathy, if I met him for real I would hug him and then boot his arse to the nearest specialist and say "Fuckin sort yourself out as those people are trained to deal with stuff like this".

Siobhan has clearly seen what I was trying to say with my post and even picked up on the remark that you were glad to find a reason to be depressed anyone that publicly announces that they are glad to have a reason to be depressed is obviously in need of specialist help as no-one should feel glad to have a reason to be depressed

I am in a way, saddend to see that you feel I am attacking you and you felt the need to attack me when infact each time I have wished you all the best and hoped you will find the inner peace you are so desperately seeking, you can scroll back and you will see very clearly I'm giving you my support

And to the rest of you that thinks I am being harsh, I ask, read again, you will all clearly see not once was I am directing insults to NTS, I was explaining that I understood what he is feeling and gave examples to show he wasn't alone in feeling that way and he will become stronger for it one he gets the right help

Maybe this will be the last time I will try and help someone that clearly was crying out for help and stop caring about people on this forum as obviously it's not appreciated.
I'd say don't stop caring. But I'd say theres ways of saying certain things.

Fair enough but being Scottish and Glasweigen, we tend to say things pretty direct but the message is the same and anyways in my very 1st sentence I did say quite clearly "Sorry if this sounds blunt"

It's how I have always spoke and even then I acknowlegded that it may be blunt.

But in saying that, this has made me think twice as I said about caring for people, I guess I was wrong in trying to help someone in their hour of need in the 1st place
Just like Diddys look at him..hes gone! then again..i agree that Diddys "joke" was over the line.
Personal shit? I just shaved a layer of skin from my leg, literally. I forgot I had gotten my legs waxed, la la la *razor*, yup, actual fucking agony. Got wet cloths over my legs to stop the burning at the moment, it's raw bare flesh. OUCHIES.
siobhan! I'm sorry..but how could you forget that? from what i have seen..waxing of any body part, is a unforgettable moment!

Edit: I might add that it looks like a painful one as well lolz!
Sorry if my comments are considered too harsh but I stand by them, again I was trying to offer practical advice by showing that everyone goes through pain in their life but some deal with it badly and I was mearly trying to say, if this is so bad and it's fuckin up your life, please see a specialist as there are some things that are not ideal to be shared on a public forum and from NTS post he clearly is crying for help and is looking for sympathy, if I met him for real I would hug him and then boot his arse to the nearest specialist and say "Fuckin sort yourself out as those people are trained to deal with stuff like this".

Siobhan has clearly seen what I was trying to say with my post and even picked up on the remark that you were glad to find a reason to be depressed anyone that publicly announces that they are glad to have a reason to be depressed is obviously in need of specialist help as no-one should feel glad to have a reason to be depressed

I am in a way, saddend to see that you feel I am attacking you and you felt the need to attack me when infact each time I have wished you all the best and hoped you will find the inner peace you are so desperately seeking, you can scroll back and you will see very clearly I'm giving you my support

And to the rest of you that thinks I am being harsh, I ask, read again, you will all clearly see not once was I am directing insults to NTS, I was explaining that I understood what he is feeling and gave examples to show he wasn't alone in feeling that way and he will become stronger for it one he gets the right help

Maybe this will be the last time I will try and help someone that clearly was crying out for help and stop caring about people on this forum as obviously it's not appreciated.
I'm not gonna spend more time argueing over this, seen that you don't even bother going in against MY arguements but just come up with the same story over the last three posts.
You know I'm right.
-[chop]-;9030675 said:
siobhan! I'm sorry..but how could you forget that? from what i have seen..waxing of any body part, is a unforgettable moment!

Edit: I might add that it looks like a painful one as well lolz!

Waxing isn't painful to me anymare haha. So I forget easily, just thought aye I'll just check we're alright *RIIIIIIIIIIPPING FLESH*, cooshty. Haha
haha! all right! if i would get a wax id prolly scream in pain..yes i are indeed a hairy bastard :lol:

The legs are the worst..but i assume that most painful, would be my chest and belly :lol: