Personal Shit Thread version 2.0

Yeah, I'll second the comment about the cherry lube. It's TOO sweet! :lol: ...and sticky and icky and, yeah. It does do the job though.

Podgie, you do realise that you came across as someone that, you know, had wxperience of sucking a cock with a cherry lubed flavour condom or unless you are of that particular sexuality then I apologise for embarrassing you with a homophobic like joke


Back on topic, Strawberry wasn't too bad, it smelt really strong when you tore open the foil, at least it didn't sting like the mint one did

I thought you were gonna say bum love is okay in little amounts.

I'm not a fan. Why would you go up a poo hole? And more imortantly why would it seem like a good idea to take it. I mean you should suck a turd back up... Not the same things but yeh.
It was a design flaw

putting a place of pleasure next to a shithole

As a famous comedian once put it

"Life is like Oral sex, one slip of the tounge and you are in the shit"
