Peter leaving

Touring 18 or 19 months in a row is ridicoulus and unessecary. I can fully understand petes decision and in my opinion Mike should think about whats more important touring endlessly or making quality stuff.
Touring 18 or 19 months in a row is ridicoulus and unessecary. I can fully understand petes decision and in my opinion Mike should think about whats more important touring endlessly or making quality stuff.

I also think this is excessive. While this dream lives in the hearts of many musicians. The reality of it would put any marrage or relationship on the rocks. I'm sure we all enjoy seeing Opeth live, but at the expense of two lost members? I dowt that's what they signed on for in the beginning, sure they wanted succes. But in moderation.
So what I'm getting here is that Mikael's a domineering control freak that demands too much from his bandmates and forces them into quitting because the stress he puts on them by touring too much and becoming better musicians that are up to his standards????
So what I'm getting here is that Mikael's a domineering control freak that demands too much from his bandmates and forces them into quitting because the stress he puts on them by touring too much and becoming better musicians that are up to his standards????

Well if that's what you're getting then try to remember that you're getting it from casual observers with lots of time to sit in front of their keyboards and speculate about things that in reality they have no knowlege of.
I just got out of the hospital with a gall bladder attack, and came home to my computer and this. I am not sure of which hurts worse.

I am sad that Peter left, but at the same time after I read his reasons, I completely understand why he needs to do what he needs to do. Peter was Opeth to his core, but as all things, the show must go on. I hope that everything in his future is bright, and the Peter Lindgren Project is killer. I am looking to play drums for a new band, so Pete if you are looking for one, bump me up on myspace.

He just left when he thought he should, that's the important thing. And I absolutely respect it.

But what I'll never forget myself, is that I'll never see him live (well, in fact, one of my dreams was to see Opeth with the classic Mikael/Peter/Méndez/López line-up, but now it will never happen) ... T.T
This is quite a shock! I know Mikael pretty much calls the shots for their musical content, but I can't help think that this will leave an indelible mark on Opeth's vibe... I pray this change doesn't alter their sound too much...if it turns into a shreadfest, I'll be disappointed, as the space between the notes is music regards to Peter and his new direction in life.

yeah this new guy better keep any shred shit way way out of opeth. but other than that im optimistic..............although pretty damn gutted at peter's departure, he really made opeth to me...........something about him that gave them a certain vibe...........cant explain it.
I just hope Peter doesn't sink into oblivion like Lopez least keep us informed of "what's up" via a website or myspace page.....
I think Peter's departure will be barely noticeable on record. Lopez on the other hand will be greatly missed. His jazzy/latin drumming style was a big part of Opeth's great sound the past few records.

I remember seeing Peter at Nosturi in Helsinki in 2005 (if I remember correct). We were going up the stairs to the balcony (where the bar was), and I remember seeing Peter in the stairs (the same stairs that went up to the bar... where the 'normal' people were going). I ALMOST said something to him, but I wussed out. I remember seeing him and I just felt comfortable like it was an everyday thing because it was so natural.

...Anyway, the gig was great, and Mikael made some jokes that made (even) my girlfriend laugh (who hates death metal and only likes Face of Melinda). Sucks that we had to leave before the encore (which I believe was Demon of the (FUCKING!) Fall, judging from the sounds of it)... Still, the greatest gig of my life. Too bad Martin L. wasn't playing at the moment, and his departure from the band wasn't official yet, so I wasn't in a 'mourning' state yet.

Damn... memories.. I wish you all the luck, Peter, and I know you were always a kickass guitar player so you've got no worries in the future.
Overall I think you guys are taking this news pretty well and handling it with some dignity which I think this band and Peter deserve. For those who are crushed... let's be 1/2 full insteda of 1/2 empty, shal we? The band is going through a transition.... but it's still together. Mike has for some time been the corner stone in the bands sound including the drum tracks. It's his band. Lopez left and wasn't driven out of the band from the constant touring. Stop making that comparison. Peter had a very demanding job that kept him away from home for months at a time and he decided he didn't want to do it anymore. Noone can dispute his commitment to the band up to this point and he left on good terms and with dignity. It was an agonizing decision for everyone in the band to deal with. But guess what? The band is still together. Mike was able to find a fantastic guitar player as a replacement for Peter and did so in a timely manner without some mystery or lack of direction hanging over the band. Axe also is such a great guy and a tremendous drummer. Per and Bass are still going strong. The cornerstone is still in place. Everything is going to be fine. There is going to be a new set of skills for Mike to tap into, and a new life injected into the band.

So to those who have expressed their respectful sorrow regarding Peter's departure from the band..... Thanks.

To those who have welcomed Fredrik into the band with open arms and a feeling of anticipation... Thanks.

To those who are trying to troll around for some sort of reaction by speculating about Mike driving the band into the ground, or Peter leaving because he doesn't like the "commercial, main stream Roadrunner" crap... or whatever... just shut it. Free speech and opinions are welcomed here, but I have every right and the power to regulate the level of respect and stupidity here and this is neither the time nor the place for such retardation. I hope I've made myself clear.

Again, thanks to the majority of you who have handled this with the respectful thoughts that the band deserves.

um, no. I don't get why some people are saying that. they had a solid, consistent lineup for almost their whole discography. you don't know what you're talking about.
um, no. I don't get why some people are saying that. they had a solid, consistent lineup for almost their whole discography. you don't know what you're talking about.

Well I do know what im talking about bud.. Look at their line-up history champion..

Opeth Timeline
1990 Isberg, Åkerfeldt, Nordin, Döring
1991 Isberg, Åkerfeldt, Nordin,

Pettersson, Dimeo, DeFarfalla
1992 Isberg, Åkerfeldt, Lindgren, Nordin, Guteklint
1993 Åkerfeldt, Lindgren, Nordin, Guteklint
1994-1996 Åkerfeldt, Lindgren, Nordin, DeFarfalla
1997 Åkerfeldt, Lindgren, Mendez, Lopez/Nordin
1998-2004 Åkerfeldt, Lindgren, Mendez, Lopez
2005-2006 Åkerfeldt, Lindgren, Mendez, Lopez, Wiberg
2006-2007 Åkerfeldt, Lindgren, Mendez, Wiberg, Axenrot
2007+ Åkerfeldt, Åkesson, Mendez, Wiberg, Axenrot

I think that to do such big tours is bad for the mental health. I would prefer if opeth would do like 6 months of touring and then get back home to record. That's why the bands in the 70's were releasing so much records. Sometimes 2 or 3 per year. Imagine opeth releasing 2 records in like 10 months. That would be so awesome.
Orchid and Morningrise - Lineup 1
MAYH, Still Life, BWP, Deliverance, Damnation, Ghost Reveries - Lineup 2, with the only change being the addition of Per for GR. an addition, which still means nobody left.

yea. revolving door there alright.
Orchid and Morningrise - Lineup 1
MAYH, Still Life, BWP, Deliverance, Damnation, Ghost Reveries - Lineup 2, with the only change being the addition of Per for GR. an addition, which still means nobody left.

yea. revolving door there alright.

period, folks