Peter leaving

this sucks. i grew up with the original lineup.

it's great that the band is continuing with new people, new approach, fresh start, whatever... and congrats to them, truly.

but i cried a little when i read about this. i'm serious. i'm afraid Mendez will go as well...

i mean, i made an Opeth hoodie for myself. cut tshirts, logos, patches, everything... and hand stitched this plain black hoodie into one of my most prized possessions. i turned a lot of my super-righteous metalhead friends onto Opeth. i'm proud of that.

this band has had a very big influence, in different ways, on who i am now. i won't let go because of lineup changes but i'm gonna be in shock for a long, long time. especially on the next U.S. tour... seeing Peter's stage right spot occupied by someone else.
A shame to see Peter leave, unfortunately not all good things last forever, its just the way it is. imo, this is the beginning of the end (and I'm not saying that just because I hated GR - I do love Opeth!).
So to those who have expressed their respectful sorrow regarding Peter's departure from the band..... Thanks.

To those who have welcomed Fredrik into the band with open arms and a feeling of anticipation... Thanks.

To those who are trying to troll around for some sort of reaction by speculating about Mike driving the band into the ground, or Peter leaving because he doesn't like the "commercial, main stream Roadrunner" crap... or whatever... just shut it. Free speech and opinions are welcomed here, but I have every right and the power to regulate the level of respect and stupidity here and this is neither the time nor the place for such retardation. I hope I've made myself clear.

Again, thanks to the majority of you who have handled this with the respectful thoughts that the band deserves.


Are you Opeth?

I was just composing some basslines for my new song when I took a break
and logged on to Peter's leaving - it's just so sad! :erk:
I fully understand his decision, but I can't help feeling a bit upset.
I'll really miss Peter's soloing, wonderful humour on documentaries
and such, and of course, his overall contribution to Opeth.

Peter, I wish you all the best and good luck in your future endeavors!
Please don't let this be the last time we hear from you. Get together with a
semi-decent band or something and record your own shit. That would rule! :headbang:
NOOES!! Totally unexpected for me... We lobe you Peter >: I respect his dissicion ofc thought it's sad.

Hope this new guy is good. The new album is gonna be interesting, new drummer and guitarist. :>
i think some folks up n here need to get laid more often, so that they'l be able to take some critizizm

Opeth will cease to exist by the end of the next tour and yall kids need to find yourselvez some new heros!

You need it more than everybody else here, so that you stop believing that everything that you say and think is the absolute truth.
Late to the party, just got home from a conference trip.

Sad news, Peter is a really sweet guy, but I'm not that surprised.

At party after the gig at the Roundhouse in november I asked Peter what he was going to do after the tour. He gave me a tired smile and said "Getting to know my wife." Constant touring just isn't for everyone, I'd never cope with it.

Fred is a perfect replacement. Good guitarist, very friendly and humble, just like Peter. Been wondering what he was going to do after Arch Enemy, glad it worked out for him :)
Each time a new Opeth album comes out, I'm always excited to see how they've progressed or shifted - new elements, instruments, etc. although we all know Mikael is the primary songwriter, it is a band and everyone has their own sensibilities to add. we've already seen how Per's talents have allowed Mikael and the band to stretch out into an even more expansive sound that still remains uniquely Opeth.

so I'm very curious to see how or what Fredrik's addition will bring - Axe's too. anyone know more about their tastes, especially outside of metal?
One can't help but speculate as to the direction the new Opeth will take. I really feel for Mikael over loosing two bandmate over the last year...esp Peter with whom he had to have a very special bond with over the has to be very hard on him to undergo so much turmoil in the band...I do hope the new album kicks ass and is an amalgamation of everything that is Opeth ... past, present, and the unknown future....
Each time a new Opeth album comes out, I'm always excited to see how they've progressed or shifted - new elements, instruments, etc. although we all know Mikael is the primary songwriter, it is a band and everyone has their own sensibilities to add. we've already seen how Per's talents have allowed Mikael and the band to stretch out into an even more expansive sound that still remains uniquely Opeth.

so I'm very curious to see how or what Fredrik's addition will bring - Axe's too. anyone know more about their tastes, especially outside of metal?

tbph, after listening to some Krux, I hope that Fred will follow Mikael's direction and mold himself into what he needs to do to fit into the Opeth sound...I think Fred can add something to the solos...but I'm a little worried about his rhythm playing which was what Peter was very good at...esp the somewhat complex chords with fingerpicking type stuff..
I think Fred can add something to the solos...
what solos are you listening to exactly? genuinely curious, because the Krux II solos don't do much for his credibility, nor do the live bootleg videos on YouTube of him shredding and wanking. I know there's a rock band he is in as well called Talisman, so has anyone heard that band?

I'm not trying to pass judgment on him, but I've seen nothing good about this guy yet, only seemingly bad. maybe he hasn't had a big enough chance to really shine yet. but I trust Mike knows what's good for the band. the new album can't seem to come out fast enough eh?
point taken.... really none of them to speak of...but he can do some runs with a little's the droning simplistic major 5 chord rhythm parts on the Krux tunes that scares me more....