Peter leaving

WHAT.....:zombie: WHAT...!!!!!!:zombie:
Peter is leaving....!! ....shock....:cry: :cry: :cry:

Wish him all the best luck in the future...with own projects...ROCK ON...will "keep an eye on you"...:) :worship: :worship: :worship: Simply a fantastic gitarist....GOOD LUCK

If you read this..Peter
(Hvis du læser dette...så tak for fede koncerter. Har set dig et par gange live og havde fornøjelsen at lave interview med dig sidst I var i Berlin. Fremtidige planer..???Håber det bliver i et nyt band så vi for mulighed for at se dig svinge "spaden" live igen. Respekt ..:kickass: . held og lykke med fremtidige projekter)

Im out of words..:Smug: .but the next thing to write must be...

WELCOME TO......FREDRIK ÅKESSON...:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

Look forward to hear him on the new CD..and see him LIVE...:Smokin:

Oh this comes really unexpected. I thought it was a joke, but April 1st is already a long time ago.

As I only watched Opeth two times, both on festivals, it wasn't quite THE Opeth live expierience for me, so I always wanted to see them again on tour.
Now that this isn't possible anymore with Peter in the lineup, I'm a little bit sad. And to this little bit comes another tad of sadness because from all things I saw and heard from Peter (Lamentations DVD, GR, internet) he seemed the most polite and most friendly guy to me. Seeing him part is somewhat strange despite that I'm only for one year into Opeth.

Opeth as a band does not exist anymore I think. It's rather a project now.
And projects happen to tear apart after some time. I don't hope for this of course but I think for the guys it's not the same anymore than it was 5 years ago. The "jamming-in-our-own-cool-band" feeling might be gone forever, but if the new team prevails it could be fun (for them and for us).

Good luck Peter!
OMG! I haven't been online in a few days! I've just heard about this!!!


edit: ok, now that the initial shock has worn off (as much as it will). I would like to wish him much luck in his life.

also, I am finding this more funny now than I did back when it was first posted in the photoshopeth thread...

I did not expect it but then again the band is not exactly 25 and line up changes were bound to eventually take place. Opeth has had a pretty consistant line up which is probably not easy.
This is terrible news. I've seen Opeth live like 9 or 10 times and the last few times Peter always recognized me and would come over to say hi after the show. He was such a cool guy and seeing the band live will just be different from now on.

I guess since he got married relatively recently he'll want to have a baby and start up a family. Being on the road for over a year really puts a strain on that. Do you guys think he'll be involved in other projects in the future?
iirc he was teaching psychology in some school in stockholm years ago, so yeah maybe he will start teaching agn i dunno, or as someone already said, he would prob do something with IT
I dont get this picture, how can his eyes be that far apart? he looks like the guy from the Goonies.
Thanks for this statement...Im dyin' over here:lol: o_O I cant stop lookin at him:lol:

but back to Peter *you will be missed!*
but I am highly anticipating some new music now! The new dude can bring a whole new sound to Opeth. More diverse and hopefully more brutal.We will wait and see, but good luck Peter you will be missed greatly.
*Puts hand up* - yeah, I also definitely did not see this coming.

I do have to say, though, that I feel that Opeth is still Opeth as long as Mikael is in the band.

Peter will be very muchly missed! I hope that him and Lopez do solo projects/join new bands so we can continue to appreciate their musical abilities - and maybe see them back on stage some day. It would be a shame if they fade into obscurity like the rest of Opeth's ex-members.

I welcome Fredrik and hope that all goes well for his future with Opeth.
Ah, cool. This is for the best, really. Not sure why so many people are distraught over this. Peter was a really cool guy but not much of a guitarist; his solos were always kind of meandering and aimless. I've seen him play live with Opeth 4 times now, and I've never been impressed by a single solo (some are quite painful even - Death Whispered a Lullaby for example, or the last solo in A Fair Judgement, which clashes pretty painfully with Mikael's excellent solos in that song). As a support rhythm guitarist he did a damn fine job, but any decent guitarist could fill that role. As a lead guitarist he contributed nothing worthwhile to the band.

That being said, Akesson is an excellent guitarist - he can play circles around Peter and should hopefully add a new dimension to the band that they've never really had before (i.e. a great lead guitarist).