Peter leaving

I think that to do such big tours is bad for the mental health. I would prefer if opeth would do like 6 months of touring and then get back home to record. That's why the bands in the 70's were releasing so much records. Sometimes 2 or 3 per year. Imagine opeth releasing 2 records in like 10 months. That would be so awesome.

Perhaps big tours would be bad for YOUR mental health... but since you're not in Opeth I guess you don't have to worry about that. Opeth will never release 2 or 3 records a year. You appear to be taking Peter's comments about "Quantity over Quality" from the GR DVD seriously. :lol:
2 weeks away from the forum & all hell breaks loose !
Well not exactly, but Peter was a great musician & a really good guy.
Excessive touring is what allows all of us to see the band so often.
So no complaints here.
Hopefully the new lineup can keep up with Mike's great talents & touring endurance.
Best of Luck Peter !
Congrats to Fredrik for joining this great band.
In Mike I trust !
Most bands tour seemingly excessively. It's how they let fans see them worldwide and also make money since record sales aren't the cornerstone of their income.

It's very disappointing to see Peter leave since he's been in the band since the first record, but as others have pointed out, most bands have constant line-up changes, and we've been lucky to have something pretty constant for so long. I'm glad I got to see him play with Opeth on three occasions.

Adding Fredrik is going to be a bigger change than adding Axe was. Axe came in mid-tour, so he had to learn all the drumming from previous songs right away. So, by the time they start recording new stuff, he will have already gotten the Opeth drummer mindset. Fredrik gets to come right into the recording process and bring something totally new and fresh to the table. I know Mikael directs it all, but who knows what may come of this? It could surpass MAYH or Still Life.

Good luck, Peter.
It's very interesting seeing people blame Mike for the touring decisions when in reality, it's not much his decision at all...I'd assume it's the band's decision, as a whole, to agree to a tour - however it's up to their label/agents/whatever to actually book the tours for the initial length of time/legs and then say "hey, <so and so country> really likes you guys so we're trying to book another set of dates there."

Once again, I'm not in this business, however I'd assume that's how it works. So to the people blaming Mike for the touring decisions, saying that he's running the band into the ground and making it just a revolving touring business, kindly fuck off because you don't know what you're talking about whatsoever.

It's definitely a ballsy move by Peter to step down from his position, giving up the band and the money and travel and whatnot to have a life - and it's very respectable to be in your 30s, after constantly recording and touring for the last (almost) 10 years, and say "hey, my heart's not in this anymore...I think it's time to hang it up [at least for the foreseeable future] and step down with dignity instead of droning on and milking it but not enjoying it at all."

Respect to Peter.
to all of you who like me are stunned and saddened by peter leaving opeth, i'm here right with you cranking out "nectar"
to those of you celebrating the fact he's gone, berating his musicianship. saying that he's no better than any of you. you should all be ashamed. it's the same as if you spat in the face of a dead man. you people (and that's giving you far more credit than you deserve) should be ashamed. honestly how many of you are mikael akerfeldt? how many of you have been in opeth and can make decisions for the band regarding their personnel? how many of you have started out as a group of friends that have went on to sign with of the LARGEST metal labels on the planet?

if any of you fit the following criteria, i apologize, however, if you're a fan just like the majority of us, then please, JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!
Man, I pretty much shit my pants when i read this. The only reason Opeth has sounded so good over the years is because both Peter and Mikael were on guitars. I wonder what the new album will sound like without Peter, not to mention the new drummer doesn't even compare to Lopez.
Well, I've been there since the very beginning, and It's a little bit of a suprise, but Peter's probably just wore out in more ways than happens. As a longtime fan, it sucks, and leaves me apprehensive, but I don't own them. I'm sure it was really a gutwrenching decision. But, here's to hoping the band continue to put out good albums. I'm always hoping the next will top my favorite; MAYH. In saying that, I haven't as a fan, been disappointed yet. The new guy does have a completely different style than Mikael or Peter, but I bet he realised that when he joined.....I'm sure he knows what Opeth is about...he did tour with them on the Gigantour tour. Good luck to Peter and Fredrik:heh:
Since Mikael has always been the most musically gifted of them all, I don't see this as a bad thing at all. The older members (Lopez, Lindgren) had already gotten accustomed to the band and probably had quite a bit of input in the last album. Now everybody except bassplayer is relatively new and Mikael will have ultimate control over the writing process. I am incredibly interested to see how this turns out.
my bet is Peter opens a cat daycare or becomes a physics professor.

Indeed. 'Peter's school for gifted young cats'


I dont see changes in OPETH as a problem. People come and go...(like in all other bands)....and I have all the respect for Peter who is now is leaving.He has really put is "mark" on the band ...and is a part of the bands succces. He will be MISSED...What the reason is for leaving..??... is not for me to deal with.

But Opeth will "ROCK ON"...:rock: There is still a band . The band have got a new talented person i the "pit".I see it as a new beginning. Because of the changes i think the band will do anything do the BEST record EVER. ( they always will)...

:Smokin: :Smokin: :Smokin: :Smokin:
I'm really sad about Peter leaving. He was a good guitarist, and fit really well in the band. I'm gonna give the new guy a chance though, and I just hope he doesn't change the sound up too much. I hope he brings a little something new to the band though, just because every member is a little different.