Un-related dude, I'm talking about their playing style, and I specified "traditional metal" style. Listen to the new guys try to play anything before Watershed and if you can't tell the difference, especially in less-traditional passages, then you really don't know what you're talking about. Watch a live DVD with Lopez, then watch/listen to Axenrot live. It makes Axenrot sound like an amateur, and that's a difficult thing to do, as he's a fantastic drummer when playing the stuff on Watershed.
I don't really care what "style" you're talking about, I've seen the Lopez DVDs, and I've seen the new band twice, and I'm also a gigging, semi-professional musician, and if you think that this band in any way, shape or form for even one second comes across as "amateurish", then clearly, one of us has no fucking clue whatsoever what they're talking about, I'm just afraid you may need to consult your nearest reflective surface as to who is the
real culprit.
You prefer Lopez, FINE, the guy was a great drummer, but so is Axe, and the overwhelming opinion from my other musician friends in attendance as well as pretty much everyone else I spoke to at the gig was that this band is
incredibly tight, and most of those compliments were directed at Axe in particular. It's completely idiotic to insinuate that the guy sounds great playing the Watershed material, some of the most intricate and demanding shit the band has ever recorded, with breakneck time shifts, stops and complete changes in texture, yet somehow sounds like an "amateur" hack playing the earlier material, which is totally, completely and hopelessly WRONG. If you're so blinded by your man-love for Lopez that it precludes you from ever enjoying the band again, good for you, knock yourself out, just please quit trying to sell everyone your flawed reason as
'Preciate it...