Picture Thread

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Why most gothic people are so hideous? What's with the hair and goofy makeup? Uhh. o_O

Some pictures of some people.



lolita: the pic links are dead...

I got one of the digital cameras I have kind of working... damn old peices of shit... takes a full minute to savew a 1.3 mp picture in low quality...
Hilj, you've already seen my pictures, and yet you still talk to me. I must have good o_Otic powers. :p

Steve, I'll post one for you. (it's not of me, but you get the picture :p)

nice pics lolits. looks like a fun club... not crowded with asshole crowdsurfers :lol: :)

Xeno, why don't just post a real pic? I see very ugly people at school every day.
@Wazoo, thanks. It was fun night, so fun that I bother you people with some more pics again. :p

Some audience, I'm the second one on the left.


Blanket (the drummer is not shown).


People dancing. I'm on the right with a friend.

@lolita: From my heterosexual view i would like to say that you b/f is not totally ugly :p
Though I am not here to criticize your boyfriend. :)
Lolita Vampiriá said:
Why most gothic people are so hideous? What's with the hair and goofy makeup? Uhh. o_O

Well, hm, most of these people never got through their teenage depression. Now that is a problem for them and has characterized their present attitude towards relations with other people - or atleast it might have contributed to their act as public scare crows.
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They should try to hide it but they only make themselves look even more stupid with dyed black or bright unnatural coloured hair, white face and too much eyeliner. Ugh.
maybe they want to be like women and don't know how to use the bloody makeup.

or maybe they want to be like clowns, which is even more scary as a possibility.
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