Picture Thread

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---->On topic of teh Picture Thread:

Look what Niklas found!

:cool: Hell yeah!

And this (silly, yes :Smug: )
(leaving koekjes-crumbs? Nevaar :p)

(not found by Niklas btw :p)
Ormir said:
This image is obsessing me.

For anyone who remembers this...
I printed out a few copies of this in school today, and got several funny reactions showing to friends in classes. Of course, I gave a few copies ot friends and a few to someone who said she wopuold tape the min the girl's bathroom, but she left them ontop of herpurse wiht the picture facing up. I flipped the mover, but they blew off, so well I stepped away, someone said something about me to a teacher, who questioned me for 20 minutes while I was constantly trying to walk away and tell her to shut the fuck up. apparently, someone had complained before about it. Tomorrow someon's gonna get their ass kicked.
So don't take this to school, just in other public places.
edit: I just had to vent all the fucking bullshit I got for having a sense of humor.
Well Im sorry your teachers dont have a sense of humor. I thought it was funny as hell the first time I saw it :). If you want I can help you beat the shite out of who ever told on your arse :D.

Well NARCS like them are why I'm glad I follow the rules and don't carry a knife in school. I only carry it for utility use, but with how much some of these people piss me off...

And "some people might not like it"

I might not like school spirit. I fucking hate the school spirit week where the walls are covered in bright signs and there are streamers hanging at 6'3" with tape on them. I spent at least half an hour getting tape out of my hair on one day :(

Sinterklaas will come to Holland again, somewhere in Novembre :D :D He and his "Zwarte Pieten" = Black ..Petes :erk: (i.e. 'helpers')
Its a grand feast on the 5th of Decembre, cos on the 6th, its Sinterklaas' birthday and then he goes back to Spain :D (Hmm thats pretty weird actually :err: Why dont we celebrate the 6th? :p ah well)

This means I can eat pepernoten too! Looots! :D
And chocolate-lettres and other Sinterklaas-candies :D

Chocolade Letter/Chocolate Lettre:

Pepernoten/Kruidnoten (Little, round sort of liiiitle koekjes)

Steve420 said:
And "some people might not like it"
that's political correctness for you. people who might not like the above photo:

- bums
- men with a beard
- rape victims
- wrongly accused rapists
- rightly accused rapists
- black folks
- people wearing eskimos
- grammar teachers.

so basically if you're sensitive enough to shed a tear and likely to carry a grudge, then oh my fucking god, you need to be protected. now how come it's about a month that i'm more or less grumpy and over-sensitive all the time and noone's fucking protecting me yet? :tickled:
@steve: i know, i know. here it's not that bad. unless you're really being outrageous they don't much bitch and whine. i'm sure even when i was back in high school (so at least 8 years ago) they wouldn't have done anything much to someone carrying that pic. yes, some teacher would have found it in bad taste. others would have actually laughed or shrugged it off.
The town where I was born and raised!
I dunno why I'm posting this, I hate the place. I guess having little to do on a thursday evening/night inspires this kind of senseless and offensive behaviour.


It looks cool... where I live sucks more...


Of course it looks semi nice in this pic, but there are no interesting stores there, and it's a cross town form me... you can also see the old people there....


a pic from the town webiste. OH BOY, WE HAVE A FUCKING GAZEBO!


I've never seen anywhere like this. Probably someone's backyard.

http://www.fairfieldct.org/ is where I stole these pics form. I would advise against going here unless you were really fucking bored and were trying to be more bored.

http://www.fairfield.k12.ct.us/fairfieldhs/ and my school website. look at it to see how pathetic it is. we even have a bible club. I'm a cofounder of the necronomicon club :p which isn't official yet.
I don't know.. I should soon.

hopefully I'll find my camera tonight and get some pics tomorrow... but my hair sucks :(

I had my camera a few days ago but I had it in my pocket and fell asleep, so it probably fell into the pile of stuff on my floor :erk:

I'll post a pic soon... and I'm not posting right now because I'm staying at 9000 posts :)
my parents live near there; i used to work there until last year. and i could have guessed you were in the dreaded chocolate museum :) btw, right next to it is the sports museum, i wonder why... :)
To make all the indulging people feel bad :(

Oww :p
Ah, cool.. :)
I'll live in city one day.. yes.. :p :p
(*dreams of the youth of a little town* :lol: naaaah, Uden is big enough and I will go to the uni next year, in a city :))
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