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the Ñ???? well.....mmmmhhhhh
let's see....words with that sound....
Champagne...the GN should sound that way
Canyon...the NY

in italian it's the same in gn, in portuguesse it's nh, in catalan it's ny and in french is gn too I guess....in Spanish Ñ :)
"Ñ" sounds such "Canyon"? Ohhhh, noooo. Melon is playing with you and your intelligence. It sounds like strange nasal sound mixed with a hit of voice (I do it increasing the volume on my sound card system).

@astarte: Noto cierto ribete de orgullo fingido al situar entre comillas el nombre de tu ciudad, amiguita. Y por cierto, "el mes de la patria"? Franco ha vuelto y ahora es el director en jefe de los organizadores de fiestas nacionales en tu país?

|ngenius (the greeks started this "everyone speaking in his/her own language" policy, I'm innocent, I promise!)
Originally posted by |ngenius
@astarte: Noto cierto ribete de orgullo fingido al situar entre comillas el nombre de tu ciudad, amiguita. Y por cierto, "el mes de la patria"? Franco ha vuelto y ahora es el director en jefe de los organizadores de fiestas nacionales en tu país?
¿orgullo fingido? ¿Franco? ¿amiguita? creo que no entiendo a qué te refieres, brillante robot. :grin:

en mi respuesta anterior quise decir que Santiago no me gusta para nada. FatherVic sabe a qué me refiero, si es que recuerda golpes, escupos, y groserías :cry:

y lo del mes de la patria creo que es un triste y desesperado acto de falsa devoción al país que tratan de inculcarnos en la escuela. (que por cierto no parece funcionar)
Originally posted by astarte
¿orgullo fingido? ¿Franco? ¿amiguita? creo que no entiendo a qué te refieres, brillante robot. :grin:

Situaste entre comillas el nombre de la ciudad, así que deduzco sin ser necesaria gran habilidad que la suerte no es tal (de ahí que te sientas orgullosa de una forma fingida, que da lugar a la ironía). Lo de Franco era un intento por decir de forma algo chupi q esa fiesta huele a nacionalismo poco agradable, y lo de amiguita era un diminutivo que si no te gusta pos... lo cambiaré. :grin:

And now, we're turning back to the english, 'cos all these friends are probably annoyed by our respect fault.

|ngenius (Haciendo amigos / Pissing out of the flowerpot)
Disculpe mi falta de agudeza mental, don |ngenioso. La cebada ha opacado mis sentidos :p
Por cierto, el diminutivo no me molesta ;)

Translation: blah blah blah

i can feel the love :p

c'mon talk in Spanish...if greeks are impolite we shouldn't care ;)

and yep, somehow I understand what you mean, but Mexico DF it's worse than Santiago these days....but you SouthAmericans are great ppl, much open that we Spaniards are!!!
we don't have that "patriotic" feeling here and I don't think is much better....may be even worse...

and |ngenius "It sounds like strange nasal sound mixed with a hit of voice" just read and cry :p
so now everybody does not know what the fuck Ñ soundsalike :p
uhmmmmmm wait.....may be I could attach the sound here....mmmnnnhhhh gotta get my mic running :)
@astarte: bueno si tienes ese lugar tan cerca, aprovecha la oportunidad y visítalo para que me cuentes de el, tal vez si tengas suerte de vivir allá, acá en México D.F es una verdadera jungla de concreto, aunque tiene su encanto.

@|ngenius: Acá entre los hispanoparlantes americanos, poner una palabra entre comillas usualmente significa sarcasmo, ya ves que el español cambia mucho de país a país.

and yep, somehow I understand what you mean, but Mexico DF it's worse than Santiago these days....but you SouthAmericans are great ppl, much open that we Spaniards are!!!

@FatherVic: Yeah thanks for the praise of my city :mad: I must admit that your words may have some truth in them but there´s still lots of nice things here other tan food.:rolleyes: .
Originally posted by rahvin
why taking it so bad? did you help build them? :p
*whispering* yes, but don't tell anyone. people still think they were built by aliens, i guess they haven't seen my signature carved in the back ;)
Originally posted by astarte

*whispering* yes, but don't tell anyone. people still think they were built by aliens, i guess they haven't seen my signature carved in the back ;)

hmm... *suspicious* you might as well be an alien. how should i know? that picture of a dance surely seems to justify such an assumption. :Smug:

btw, great job you did with those faces. i kinda like the noses. ;)

u evil spanish-speaking people....... :ill: :cry:

i don't even feel the need to go translate your posts...... :zzz:

Siren (doing her smilie-practice)
@Tanathos: There's just a step between the sarcasm and the irony, take the way you want, man, there's not a significant difference. :wave:

@Man from the city called Vic: Love? Where?!?! I can't see it. Oh, your love is expanding itself, I suppose. :grin:
@thanatos....well in Mexico has increased a lot the ppl selling/asking for money on each crossroad or traffic light. Last time I went I was robbed by two dudes with guns that would have killed me and my family just for wristwatches...that was horrible...but well...still ppl is the best value of Mexico :)

@|ng: I can't see it neither....but I feel it everywhere ;)
Originally posted by FatherVic
@thanatos....well in Mexico has increased a lot the ppl selling/asking for money on each crossroad or traffic light. Last time I went I was robbed by two dudes with guns that would have killed me and my family just for wristwatches...that was horrible...but well...still ppl is the best value of Mexico :)

oh,this was a terrible experience....that's sad to know :cry:

well this traffic light thing.....has become very very common in Athens,at least in the very big roads-the ones connecting the several suburbs and athens with pireaus-.... and it is also common to have kids begging,junkies begging for their dose,poor people selling tissues etc etc on the train... it's really sad....
for me has become something usual,although i don't like it...what i wonder is what tourists think of that? and what will do our wise goverment with all these in 2004..... :err:
well here is the same, specially in the center of the town...you get to a bar and in 2 hours you get 4 Romanian gypsy women selling you this "poor_nespaper" or whatever. It's annoying, 'cause they're quite rude and you get fed up of them too at the end. I've got unsensitive to those, but still it's very sad!
Those experiences are really bad, especially FatherVic's. : (

Downtown in Edmonton is not that great too. There are always murders and robberies. I used to take the bus home from high school and had to stop in the downtown area. There were always these drunk people asking me for money and harassing people. I was afraid at first, but later got used to it. My college is in the less seedy part of the downtown area and my father won't let me walk to the mall three blocks away, even if lots of people do it, and I don't feel afraid anymore.

When I was in Hong Kong, it was pretty bad. My relatives told my mother and I to watch our handbags since people could easily steal things from us in the crowded streets. We were afraid of being robbed and didn't bring our passports outside, unlike the travel guide books said we should. My aunts told me that I had to cover myself up and I shouldn't wear tight shirts outside since some guys could try to grope me since I have large breasts.

I was so happy to be back in Canada after 2 weeks there, but it was quite interesting to see the land of my ancestors and meet my relatives. :)
Heh... Try living in a medium-sized (100000) Swedish town... There's nothing like that here. I would never be afraid of anything... Never been robbed or anything like that. And it's not much worse in Stockholm. Crime, poverty and homelessness is pretty low here compared to most other places... I like it here. :p
Now I wish I lived in Sweden... even if I don't know the language and I would stand out a lot...

I would not be used to feeling safe... I have lived in Edmonton my whole life and am used to feelings of paranoia and having to watch my back. :)

100,000 people is not that many people; here there is about 3/4 of a million.
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