Picture Thread

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Originally posted by rahvin

mmm... can i add this to my private collection of 101 things not to say if you actually want to get married someday? :p

rahvin. (the groom wears dark blue)

Yes, you can add it on...

I really do like that dress... but I guess it would be a bit too much. No one would want to come to my wedding...

It would be memorable (and shocking) though... I'll leave it up to the guy I am marrying to give his opinion on my choice of clothing for the event. :)

Anyone still want to be a guest at my future wedding? :lol:
Originally posted by mousewings
It would be memorable (and shocking) though... I'll leave it up to the guy I am marrying to give his opinion on my choice of clothing for the event. :)

you just better make sure he won't express his opinion running away on that same day. :)

rahvin. (scribbling furiously under the 'clothing' chapter of his guide to memorable marriages in history)
ehmmmm couldn't find a suiting picture of me being a baby...
but I have something cute here :)
a part of my keyboard with my beloved Ñ :)))))))
watch and get jelous!!!!!!!!!!

fathervic (knowing Ñ rulz)


:lol: accept it Melon we only have the Ññ...

jeje estos niños no pueden hacer esto ¡¡¡¿¿¿???!!! :p

just to contribute with yet another useless pics, i got some dreadful pics from a friend :eek: a school play! :p


FatherVic's keyboard has one more key than ours mel... :bah:
And some symbols are in the wrong place :P

btw astarte, you can't do this ÓåÎØãÙÈçËäÐ either :p
@rahvin: :lol: actually is not a play is a... dance :s
the girl kneeling doesn't have a blindfold, it's a crown of flowers, she's supposed to be, sort of, the "queen" of Easter Island.

@Siren: ¿î cäñ't ðø whåt? ¿thïs? ÓåÎØãÙÈçËäÐ :muahaha:

@§î®ëñ ;): you only did a quick copy & paste :mad: i took the effort of clicking alt+random numbers countless times until i found them :cry:
i bet you even copied with the smiley.... cheater :p
:bah: this extra-spanish key is nothing special :muahaha:
my mighty keyboard can create everything ñ ñ Ñ
å ö ä ü é ò å ñ ô õó á öä ãçõî öã

Vulture@ your keyboard is too german :p
@folks from greece: your keyboards might just be the chupiest thing in the world, but every time i load this page i see a wagonload of silly symbols that make me think there's something wrong with: my pc; my connection; my life. then i realise some of those symbols are my posts. :p others, though, are your mystical greek writings meant to deceive the wanderer. stop the madness, or at least provide a decent translation of it. ;)

@astarte: why would the queen of easter island kneel? out of shame for the pitiful statues? :confused:

rahvin. (ghost of christmas past)
@astarte: La isla de Pascua? Rapanui? am I wrong or that is the place where those cool stone statues are? do you live there or something?

@Mel: You may be able to type the mighty Ññ but, can you pronounce it? :lol:
@rahvin: pitiful?! :mad: :p
@Thanatos: sí, los Moai están en la Isla de Pascua y no, aunque Rapa Nui es parte de Chile, nunca he estado allá. Me tocó la "suerte" de vivir en Santiago :bah:
La foto es de una "actuación" en que tuvimos que bailar Sau-Sau para celebrar el "mes de la patria" :rolleyes:
c'mon guys, translate....wait....I actually understood the post..hehehe so I just won't complain now :grin:

@VC and Mel: damn I love the keyboards....but a keyboard without my Ñ would be like death without it's scythe or like cows without black_stains*

*actually the fact that there are some cows without black stains have too solid answerbacks:
1) they are not really cows but a strange animal extremely similar to cows
2) they lost stains somewhere
Originally posted by Thanatos
@Mel: You may be able to type the mighty Ññ but, can you pronounce it? :lol:

:rolleyes: actually no :grin: and hmm i haven't really understood which later is that famous Ññ...... looks like the greek "R'",namely this Ññ

FatherVic@ I think you should cut down on Coke... ;)
(the polite way to say someone is nuts ;) )
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