Picture Thread

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@siren: i could accept ppl licking my face all over, under certain circumstances. what the heck, i'd accept being tarred and feathered and thrown naked from niagara falls by some ppl if they thought that meant showing affection. motives are important. ;)

@|ngenius: i'm afraid i haven't got a single word of your not-so-zoological metaphor. would you mind rephrasing the whole universe so that i finally understand what it means? :D

Greeeeeeeeeeeek Doritos....and TexMex my alltime fave flavour :)
well,, today I chose Lay's, someone took the Doritos first...now I know who it was :p

@astarte: you don't know what you're loosing :rolleyes:

@mousewings....yep....the strongest booze...pure cocacola!!!!!!
without glass nor lemon!!! I'm a real toughie ;)
I'm losing lots of fat that would go straight to my heart :p

Coca Cola? somebody said Coca Cola?! :goggly: I'm addicted to it but all my bottles are empty :cry:
hehehehehe well I heard somewhere coke isn't that healthy neither ;)
but what the!!! we live like there's no tomorrow....I'll just drink some more coke, and eat more crisps with spicey sause....now I'm a rebel :P :lol:

fathervic (techno_hippie)
Yes, you possibly are.

I don't eat very much and crave strange foods... I have abnormal eating habits. Unhealthy ones too.
i don't eat that often either. when i do, i don't mind very much what is it i'm actually eating as long as it's not too sweet, flat or looks like someone i might have met when it was alive.

coke is ok. and pizza. the fifth and sixth elements. :)

Originally posted by mousewings
Yes, you possibly are.

I don't eat very much and crave strange foods... I have abnormal eating habits. Unhealthy ones too.

Well at least you don't eat near the computer, or do you?

Originally posted by rahvin
i don't eat that often either. when i do, i don't mind very much what is it i'm actually eating as long as it's not too sweet, flat or looks like someone i might have met when it was alive.

coke is ok. and pizza. the fifth and sixth elements. :)


It may be somewhat dumb but I've wondered for some time how often do italians eat pizza and pasta?
Originally posted by Thanatos

It may be somewhat dumb but I've wondered for some time how often do italians eat pizza and pasta?

i do eat pizza about once a week, but i don't know how i fit in the statistics. ;)
as for pasta, i think twice a week is a decent standard for most italians, but maybe some ppl eat it even more often.

just keep in mind that when we're talking pizza or pasta, we're not talking about pre-made products you buy in shops: pizza is often made in restaurants or take-away pizza shops right in front of your eyes the moment you ask for it; pasta is sold in plastic bags at the mall without sauces or stuff, then you come back home and you cook it yourself adding tomatoes and flavouring at will.

Yeah I thought you ate pasta more often than that, on the other hand I'd love to eat pizza weekly...

Thanatos (hungry at 3:29 am)
Originally posted by Thanatos

Well at least you don't eat near the computer, or do you?

I sometimes do... when I am in a hurry or don't wish to lose my train of thought while writing...

I eat rice about 4-5 times each week, either that or pasta.
i'm having lunch right now:
indonesian 'nasi goreng' rice enriched with some more chilli, a large bowl of salad and a bottle of beer :)
enjoy :grin:
well now that we haven't diverted from food.....
should I eat this shit??? I mean....it has something to do about chocolate and rice, and it sure looks tasty, but well the package is not the best ever!

as for pasta I love it....as for pizza I just got fed up of it....it's nearly five years since I'm working in a pizzeria...grgrgrrrrrrrrr!!!!


Hell yeah!!!!! EAT
chocolate with rice :hotjump:

EDIT: i forgot to say that pasta rules supreme,especially with hot ketch-up or with tuna sauce or with minced meat *yummy*

pizza....hmmm pittsa... well....chupi..depending on where the pizza is from.I eat only some specific type of Pizza hut pizzas..and this not often
i can live without pizza..have done so for many years

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