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Name of those biscuits translated in English: Maiden's Kisses

From the Encyclopedia of Wheel of Time (fantasy saga by author Robert Jordan):

"Maiden's Kiss - A game no sane man would play. A group of Maidens surround a man and press spear tips to his throat. Each Maiden takes a kiss from him. If she is satisfied with it, she removes her spear. If not, she presses a little harder to encourage him to do better"

All of this should mean something, though I'm not sure at all about what it is...

Alfred (a clothes-hook has no throat *phew*)
Originally posted by VultureCulture
that depends :) i will leave the christian church soon (a shame i haven't done that yet!), so either we hurry up or we'll marry in some occult pagan religion :):confused: :D :guh: :Smokedev:

*meep* I never said I wanted to get married in church; I don't. I am not religious in the least. :grin: Besides, some people close to me would be against my being married in a *gasp* church or any other religious worship place. As for pagan religions, a few of my family were pagans, but I doubt they will impact my marriage choices. :grin:

I want to get married in a old castle or mansion at midnight... :)
Originally posted by Alfred
"Maiden's Kiss - A game no sane man would play. A group of Maidens surround a man and press spear tips to his throat. Each Maiden takes a kiss from him. If she is satisfied with it, she removes her spear. If not, she presses a little harder to encourage him to do better"

that was nasty. :lol:

btw, i always wondered if in the case of extremely poor kissers the maidens eventually get a mouthful of blood. :rolleyes:

rahvin. (bound never to eat that stuff again, bound to visit the aiel for his anthropology class soon)
Originally posted by rahvin
btw, i always wondered if in the case of extremely poor kissers the maidens eventually get a mouthful of blood. :rolleyes:
Which would decrease even more the performance results, I suppose :)
bound to visit the aiel for his anthropology class soon)
What about your antropology class visiting the aiel, instead?:muahaha: :grin:

Alfred (maidens, maidens everywhere...)
Originally posted by Alfred
What about your antropology class visiting the aiel, instead?:muahaha: :grin:

sure, that's a creepy thought. but it's nothing compared to how i feel every time i'm reminded of how many women it takes to gentle a man, and the odd numbers recurring in my anthropology class... :s :hypno:

on the other hand, i have to thank you sincerely for troubling my future dreams with nightmares of 20-something spears - and the spear-bearers - at my neck. :mad:

rahvin. (ok, now we stop rambling about stuff nobody here understand, sorry)
I'm close to the Alfred's ideology concerning maidens and women in general (no matter if they are maidens at all). I vote for his phrase "Maidens, maidens, everywhere" as the Phrase of the Day (TM)

|ngenius (another one who doesn't understand the private jokes of the spaghetti-eaters, but never ever lose the chance of make his personal intervention)
Originally posted by Hearse

:grin: Popey is a girl by the way.... :lol:

Awwww... Popey is adorable. :) I love birds; I have two budgies at home. They are mean budgies, and one is a musical elitist, but they are still cool.

Popey looks so sweet. :)
The Maiden's Kiss game sounds demented and sick...

That is a torturous and very wrong way to obtain blood... Blood is good, but how it is obtained is very important, too.

I'm talking about blood, yet again... I am the vampire bat though, so it may be permissible.

I also know that |ngenius was not trying to get in my way of true love or marriage choice... :)

I'm a silly vampire bat... :)
Er... yes. In fact that's the verb usually associated with "Maiden's Kiss". Apart from "Die from", of course :grin:

Alfred (suave est mare magno turbantibus aequora ventis...)
Popey looks very chupi :)

/me is not interesting in playing Maiden's kiss... :Saint:
have other chupi thoughts in my sleepy dreamy mind :rolleyes:

~Mel~(anarotietai pote tha stamatisete na milate autes tis perierges glosses :confused: )
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