@|ngenius and rahvin:

I wasn't offended at all. I just didn't have time to post yesterday so I didn't respond. The picture does look really weird as there was supposed to be a bird in the trees, but she didn't show up.
And @|ngenius, yes I actually missed you.

I am very glad you are back too.
@rahvin: thanks for saying I look cool. Now
you must post pictures of yourself.
@FatherVic: It was the birdy who made the picture really weird. She didn't show up in the photo at all. Hehe, I did think a lot of people would believe I look more
evil than I actually do.
@Melancholia: Thanks for the compliment about me looking cool. I will also possibly post a picture of myself that is slightly less strange than this one.
@Thanatos: Thank you... you have seen this picture before.
@red_beef: I believe I am poisonous, and vampire bats are not part of the basic food groups.