Picture Thread

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@Demonic: Great... er... chupi... hummm.... and VERY big photos of... somebody as a signature. I assure you it's a pleasure to see both photos on every post you make... :p

|ngenius (Can you feel the irony?)
The thread does't have to die if people store their pics on another server and use the IMG tag. DS's pics are of In Flames's guitarists making funny faces at him :P
I am going to go to the bridge to post my photos and will have a link to them. The bridge will serve another purpose other than a flamewar place for weird people. Watch out for possibly another vampire bat picture soon. *meep*

Happy Birthday, D_S!
@phyre: It is 4:20... a huge day for pot smokers.

I am not sure why, but it is.

I know it only as my best friend is a Dave Matthews Band fan, and I post on the DMB board. They are all pot smokers there (the lead singer is one too).
Originally posted by phyre
Blech... Drugs suck.
Even alcohol? :cry:

I've never taken drugs or smoked, and never plan to. I do like alcohol. Wine coolers and beer mixed with cola... good.
@Demonic Science: Thank you. :) It is a funny avatar...

Originally posted by phyre
I don't really drink much, but I don't have much against it in moderate amounts. I like dark beers.

I don't drink that much either; only occasionally. I haven't had booze in... a long time. Moderate amounts of drinking (not enough to get drunk) is trippy. The most I've had is 3 coolers in one sitting.
im sorry fathervic but i cannot do that,for it is in flames,and i could never do that to in flames :grin:
but seriously though,how could a picture really annoy you THAT much
the size annoys me above all......

(and a bit the fact that it is in flames :muahaha: :p
ok,seriously,i wouldn't like sth sooo huge even if it was the madderz or sth.... )
because they sound boring and uninspired to my ears (at least the stuff i have heard) and generally their music lacks the something that would make me more interested to get into their stuff....

and i get majorly piss off when people label them as death metal *yawn*

i feel i am rude tonight :cry:
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