Picture Thread

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@final_vision: ok, there's a slight resemblance... but i'm waaaay much more cool than him. :D
and i don't wear leisure suits either. ;)

@siren: possibly you need some rest. it's clear to see that looking at my pic didn't really do any good for your mental health. :rolleyes:
besides, serenla has been my girlfriend for enough time to have a pretty good idea of what i'm like. come to think of it, she's been my ex-girlfriend for enough time to have a pretty good idea of how i'm not like. :grin:

@F_V: I'm not offended you don't like David Gray's music. Hehe, a lot of people say it is cheesy over the top gloominess and only the lyrics are good. I actually like "Babyon" (and a bunch of his other songs). It's depressive, slow music for vampire bats.

@rahvin: Yes, I am glad you are not like David Gray either. He swears at everyone during interviews, and encourages people to drink a lot... He's evil. :)
Originally posted by |ngenius
@Mousewings: And I love you when you're out of mysterious-scary forests and graveyards. And btw: ¿neat? ¿Do ya mean I'm a cow? (Just a joke with the word) :grin:

You love me??!!! I'm so touched. :grin: By the way, I've only been into a graveyard once. There are very few of them near my home, the grave caretakers would probably ask me to leave... :)

Hmm... I don't understand the connotation with the word neat. It doesn't mean anything close to "cows" here. I said you were cute... that is far from being a cow or any other type of farm animal. :grin:
here you have rahvin....a 300 € bill from my psichotherapyst! that's what you must pay him for the his services to help me to replace the image I had of you in my head with the new_real one.
now you'll say you don't wear suspenders huh??? then I'll die :p

oh, and I have to change my pic from the VC page, I have no mustache now and have one eye more.... ;)
fathervic (not_relying_on_cat_worshippers)
woooow...unbelievable! rahvin posting a pic! you look very kind....
cool :) but *sniff* you have to pay my psychotherapist-bill as well.....

~Mel~(who somehow imagines all italians with dark hair and beard :p )
@mousewings: i must confess the only reason why i don't encourage ppl to drink is to actually have more of the stuff myself. :cry: :p

@fathervic: i'm not sure about that bill... would you mind posting a pic of your therapist here first? maybe he doesn't look like my mental image of him at all... :rolleyes:

@mel: thank you for commenting. :) i'm not particularly light-haired anyway, but since you're not the first noticing, perhaps there was just something weird with the light. and then you have to take into account that short hair tend to look lighter. as for the beard, i could grow one, but i don't really see the point... :confused: ;)

rahvin. (deceiving_appearance)
Originally posted by mousewings
Hmm... I don't understand the connotation with the word neat.

If my mind doesn't fail me, and according with the dictionary, "neat" could be a bovine animal, too. :p

|ngenius (stupid concordances drive to stupid comments)
Originally posted by Thanatos

Actually, it's an Enter Suicidal Angels shirt...and that's a friggin coincidence...

Minds I ESA, its about the same isnt it? :p

and yea were do you got yours? i got mine at the Mercado Fundadores wich is some short of micro Tepito if you know what i mean.
Originally posted by Misanthrope

Minds I ESA, its about the same isnt it? :p

and yea were do you got yours? i got mine at the Mercado Fundadores wich is some short of micro Tepito if you know what i mean.

At El tianguis del Chopo, ever been there?

Yes I've heard of M. Fundadores but if it's like Tepito I don't want to go there.
/me wants a DT girl, too.....wait!!!! I already have one!!!!!!!!! :hotjump:

and rahvin, now I guess you wouldn't have a concret image of my himnotherapist....or may be yes :rolleyes:

fathervic (extremely lucky guy)
oh! and how impolite from me.....
may be some of you want a bit of this...not my fave ice cream, but still great one!!!! NUT icecream...relieving my stomach and my throat :)

fathervic (not deceived)
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