Pilgie, feel free to read this...

Originally posted by Pilgrim
I am sorry for taking it too far. Maybe I'm on my period. I hope I didnt drive too many people away. I realize most people are going to hate me, but thats o.k.

Oh well, It can only get better.......
Well, there might be some people that are mad at you but no hard feelings here! :)
I'm cool. I have more important things to worry about, like the environment.
Originally posted by Pilgrim
I am sorry for taking it too far. Maybe I'm on my period. I hope I didnt drive too many people away. I realize most people are going to hate me, but thats o.k.

Oh well, It can only get better.......

You actually have a point here. I sure didn't open threads I didn't want to see.:grin:
"well ...have u ever thought that some other in here (me too) talk about these "intellectual" things in real life...when they have a better contact with the person/s they talk with ?
and there is no reason for them to talk about these things in an internet forum ?
or maybe they dont find these things ...intellectual ... ?
maturity cannot be judged by looking in someones behavior in ...internet ....for God's shake it is just an internet forum ....how can u judge someone when u are not looking to his eyes .."
I find that the internet is a very good place to talk about these things. But of course, I am better at getting out the right words and the things that I want to say when I can write or type them then when I am talking. I'm not that much of a social person though. And I was just commenting on when Pilgrim started talking about High School Kids. Obviously pointing out our stupidity and immaturity, so I thought I would show that this board isn't like that and that there are plenty of intellectual threads on this board. And by intellectual, I mean that the people who took part in the thread went away from it with a new perspective of things and they thought about what was discussed in the thread and they got to post their thoughts. A person's maturity can be judged by their behaivor on the internet, because it is the only way you can judge their maturity. You shall most likely never meet that person off of the internet. He is immature right now on the internet, maybe he isn't off of the internet, but on the internet he is. But he can also be serious and a cool guy, maybe he will stay the way he is right now. And I believe that talking to someone on the internet is just as real as talking to someone off of it. It is different, yes, but just as real non-the-less. You connect with people on the internet by words and thoughts and by mind. You connect with people off of the internet by talking and contact and sharing thoughts.
And I believe that talking to someone on the internet is just as real as talking to someone off of it
yes...exactly the same ....
you dont know if he is taking things seriously...
you dont know if he is saying the truth ...
u dont listen to his voice...just see his writing ....
u guys should see the difference there is .....
maturity cannot be determined by a forum in a network ...everyone can say whatever they want here and then some may be unable to say the half of them in real life ..
so ..one might be mature only in internet forums ?
sometimes it is not necessary to judge maturity ....is there any point to judge someone's maturity , especially in here?
will he affect ur life ??
why bother judging maturities in an internet forum ....duh .....
....network...not real life ......
That would just mean that that person is a schizophrenic because they have two personalities, their's off of the net and their's on the net. Sure you don't hear that person's voice, but you can still connect with him/her, get what he/she is saying by the way he/she types their post and maybe even connect with that person in a deeper way. And real life is whatever a person thinks that it is. If someone believes that real life is the internet, then the internet is real life because they believe that. Sure though, it sounds ridiculous, but hey, a person is free to think and believe whatever he/she wishes.
There are two major differences:
1) People say things on the internet that they wouldn't say in person, because they have less fear of reprisal and also less care for whom they're talking to. It's easy to hate people when all you know about them is what they've posted on a message board; it's easy to bare your soul to someone when you know that you'll never meet them in person and they can't embarass you in front of people you truly care about.

2) Online, you only know as much about a person as they want you to know. It's extremely hard to deduce more facts or read into what they say when all you have to draw upon the written word.

By LOM's definition, everyone's schizophrenic to a certain degree...I know that there are definite differences between Pyrus and Reuben Poling, and I doubt anybody here acts the same way on this board that they do in person.
basically i agree with most things u say ...
one might be a person with balance inside him ....and really mature and stuff ...and drink a little and go into a forum or irc chan. and says that he fucks everyone's mom ..and stuff ...
so what does that mean "the guy is not mature and thats it" ?
That's your opinion, but isn't it deeper than that? Do you truly need to see someone to connect with them? Do you even need to hear someone to connect with them? Can you not connect with someone through your mind? Can you not connect with someone just by your thoughts? Can you not connect with someone by your dreams? And if you think that you can connect with someone through your mind, thoughts, and dreams, then why can't you connect with someone through the internet?
Do you truly need to see someone to connect with them? Do you even need to hear someone to connect with them? Can you not connect with someone through your mind? Can you not connect with someone just by your thoughts? Can you not connect with someone by your dreams? And if you think that you can connect with someone through your mind, thoughts, and dreams, then why can't you connect with someone through the internet?
first u look someone in the eyes and then u dream about them.
first he says his/her thoughts with his/her VOICE and this voice is in ur mind ...
and without a touch ...what connection can it be ?
have u ever had a connection in ur life ? and i dont mean internet ....
"People say things on the internet that they wouldn't say in person, because they have less fear of reprisal and also less care for whom they're talking to. It's easy to hate people when all you know about them is what they've posted on a message board; it's easy to bare your soul to someone when you know that you'll never meet them in person and they can't embarass you in front of people you truly care about. "
Feels like deja-vu because I have said some of those exact same things before.
"so what does that mean "the guy is not mature and thats it" ?"
Well, you have to think about the guy having two different personalities, one on the internet and one off. So my answer to that would be no, he is mature off the internet, but immature on it. And everyone is immature and mature sometimes, so his personality on the internet can be mature and his personality off of the net can be immature.
The connection can be more spiritual. You can connect without saying a word. You've never had that happen? You don't even have to see someone to dream about them. You've never dreamed about someone that you have never seen and then later you see them. Touch is just a tool to help your mind (the real you, maybe you should read the thread I started intitled "Reality, the soul, divine punishment, etc." or something like that) be able to connect easier with other humans, but connecting by your thoughts is the strongest way to connect with someone. And you can connect with someone by their thoughts on the internet. And to answer your question, yes, I have connected with many people on and off the internet.
connecting ur thoughts is not the strongest way to connect with someone ...
there is another way..are u aware of it ?...and it has thought connection in it too...most of the times ....
and u dream someone u never saw ..and u will never see
and then what ?
u dont gain anything ..
maybe u take internet way to seriously ...in the end will u kiss the screen, or smthing ?
i prefer real life contact u know ...looking someone straight in the eye..touching hands ...listening to voice ..hugs...etc ....
and then all these "spiritual" things u say come at once ....
Well, I guess I'm just weird. Now just to get something straight, I'm not the type of person that starts that romance stuff on the internet, I was just defending those who do. I see nothing wrong with it. And you do gain something, even if you don't see the person that you dreamed of out of your dream. You gain something, because you connected with another human being for at least a second, you saw them, you thought and felt them in your dream. And dreams are just as real as what you may consider the real world. Oh, and you did see the person, because you saw them in your dream. I'm not stating either though that the connection is a romantic or sexual connection, I am saying that you are connecting with another human being, male or female. And I guess I should have said I believe this after I said that connecting with someone by mind is the strongest way, that's my bad, I'm sorry. All of this is just my opinion, I'm not saying you are wrong. You are just as right as I because you believe and think what you are saying. Neither of us is right or wrong. Oh, and not to get off subject or anything, but please stop with the u's, I mean, you're only skipping two letters. :lol: Nah, do what you want to man. And don't you see how we are conversing our thoughts and beliefs. Is this not in itself, somewhat of a connection?
I'm sorry. I just feel that whenever I get into a conversation like this with someone I connect with them. You can even connect with enemies. By you making fun of them and them making fun of you, you are connecting in a strange way. Again, I'm not talking about a romantic connection, but a human connection. I believe that you can connect with anybody and anything. And I guess I shouldn't say human connection, but ah well just connection a guess. Because you can connect with anything, like say when you get a puppy, you love him/her. Not in a sexual way, but in just a passionate way. Or maybe you hate the puppy, then you still have made a passionate connection with him/her. Or maybe the puppy gives you comfort, then you have made a connection. Or maybe you can share your thoughts with the puppy, then you have made a connection. Or maybe you just feel neutral towards the puppy, you have still made a connection. The same thing can happen with any animal or any plant or any human.